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(Winnie tells B troupe all about the prom)
Macy TH : I love the prom idea I just wish I could go with Rubie
Scarlett TH : I can't wait for the prom it's gonna be amazing and I know just who I'm going to ask
Poppy TH : I can't wait to finally tell scarlett how I feel
Freya TH : Maybe if me and poppy go to prom together we can talk about what's going on between us
Cleo TH : I can't wait to go to prom with Jude
Jude TH : I can't wait
Nick : ok well I'll let you guys get on with your business
Cleo : Jude will you go to prom with me ?
Jude : of course I will
(Back on the tour)
Finn TH : today we are about to go back to the airport to go back to the next step , we don't know what we will do now , with us not going to internationals but I'm really happy for Macy she's grown so much
Piper TH : I heard about the prom that the next step are having and I can't wait
Richelle TH : at the prom I'm going to take the opportunity to ask piper something big
Heath TH : I can't wait for the prom I can't wait to see Izzy it's been a while
(Back at the next step)
(Poppy is planning a big promposal for Scarlett)
Poppy TH : this has to go perfect
(Freya walks in)
Freya : hey what you doing ?
(Poppy quickly hides the surprise)
Poppy : oh nothing just planning a promposal
Freya : oh ok
Poppy : yeah see ya later
Freya : ok see ya
Freya TH : the fact that poppy didn't show me what she was doing , maybe it's a sign maybe she does like me and maybe she will ask me to go to prom with her
(Carrie and Phoebe are in the next steep)
Carrie : so I have a question for you
Phoebe : oh ok
(Carrie gives Phoebe some rose)
Carrie : Phoebe will you go to prom with me ?
Phoebe : aw yeah of course
(Carrie and Phoebe hug)
Carrie TH : at prom I'm going to make Phoebe my girlfriend and I can't wait to be with her
(Macy sees everyone prom posing and it makes her feel lonely)
Macy TH : I wish I could ask Rubie , give her the biggest promposal because she's just so special but I can't
(Cade sees Macy looking down)
Cade : hey you ok ?
Macy : yeah it's just I wish I could go to prom with Rubie
Cade : well you don't have to go alone
Macy : what do you mean ?
Cade : Macy will you go to prom with me as friends I mean ?
Macy : yeah sure why not
Macy TH : it's nice to know that cade cares about me
(Marcus and Ethan are talking)
Marcus : so will you go to prom with me ?
Ethan : yes of course
(Marcus and Ethan hug)
(Back on the tour)
Noah TH : I'm thinking of asking cade to go to prom with me , I hope he says yes
(Ozzy sees Kingston and Finn getting close again)
Noah TH : Ozzy has been off recently , I wonder what's up with me ?
(Heath goes over to Ozzy)
Heath : Ozzy will you go to prom with me ?
Ozzy : yeah sure
Heath : great
(Kingston goes over to lily)
Kingston : lily will you go to prom with me ?
Lily : of course I will
(Kingston and lily hug)
Finn TH : I was going to ask Kingston but maybe I should ask someone else
Finn : hey Kenzie will you go to prom with me ?
Kenzie : sure
Kenzie TH : Finns a lot of me , I'm sure we will have a good time together
Richelle : pipes will you go to prom with me ?
Piper : of course I will
Richelle TH : my plan is all falling into place
(Back at the studio)
(Scarlett gets a text to go to studio A)
(Poppy , Macy and cade all start dancing for Scarlett)
Scarlett TH : aw poppy's promposing and she's just the sweetest
(Freya walks in)
Freya TH : I thought the promposal would be for me but I guess I was wrong , I don't even know if I want to go to prom anymore
(Freya leaves the room)
Poppy : Scarlett will you go to prom with me ?
Scarlett : oh umm actually someone already asked me
Poppy : oh right
Scarlett : just kidding of course I will
(Poppy is relieved)
Poppy TH : ok Scarlett I guess you got me then , I can't wait to go with her
Scarlett TH : it's gonna be amazing
Closing titles
Next episode is prom
A troupe are back in the next ep
Some people have big surprises
And a shock Return shocks a lot of B troupers

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