Theres no coming back from this...

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Kingston : babe what's wrong ?
Lily : I'm sorry
Kingston : sorry for what ?
Lily : I kissed Ozzy
Kingston : what
Lily : it just happened and I'm sorry
Kingston TH : I can't believe she would do this to me
(Kingston walks out)
(Lily starts crying)
Ozzy : hey are you ok ?
Lily : I told Kingston about us
Ozzy : how did he take it ?
Lily : not well
(Ozzy goes to find Kingston)
Ozzy : hey you ok bro
Kingston : why ! , why would you do it !
Ozzy : I'm sorry man
Kingston : no your not sorry at all , your still the selfish Ozzy that you've always been , you only care about yourself !
Ozzy : I'm sorry ok , but I'm not selfish
Kingston : yeah you are , no your a back stabber
Kingston TH : I will never forgive Ozzy for this , best friends don't do this
Ozzy TH : I know I upset Kingston , but do I regret what I did , not at all
( Richelle tries to pash things up with Piper)
Richelle : hey
Piper : hey
Richelle : look I'm sorry I've been stressing you out recently , I just want to make sure your ok
Piper : I am ok Richelle I promise
Richelle : ok well that's good , as long as your ok I'm happy
Piper : me too
(Richelle hugs Piper)
Piper TH : keeping this from Richelle is killing me , but I have to
(Richelle notices that Piper is limping)
(Heath goes back to rehearse with finn)
Finn : hey are you alright bro ?
Heath : yeah I'm good
Finn and Heath start practising their duet
(Finn and Heath start to connect with each other)
Finn : umm
Heath : umm
Finn : yeah maybe we should take a break
Heath : yeah I agree
Finn TH : that was weird I haven't felt that awkward since when I had to pretend to be in love with piper
Heath TH : this is getting too awkward
(Kingston goes to find Lily)
Kingston : We need to talk
Lily : ok look I'm sorry for what I did
Kingston : you hurt me lily and I don't know if I can forgive you for that , I need some space for a while
Lily : so what are you saying ?
Kingston : I think we should break up
Lily : what no Kingston please just give me another chance
Kingston : I want to but I just can't , I'm sorry it's over
(Kingston walks out)
Lily TH : I ruined everything and for what one moment , I don't know what am going to do now
(Richelle Google's ankle injuries)
Richelle TH : if Piper has an ankle injury then she might never be able to dance again , I need her to be ok , I have to do something , I can't lose her
Closing titles

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