chapter 4:He know's about us

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y/n pov:

I woke up the next day, grabbed my bag and my cloak and realised Mattheo slept the night.

"Mattheo, wake up people are gonna be suspicious" Mattheo soon got up, got changed and gave me a kiss. I grabbed my nearest clothes and got changed.

I put my makeup on and went to class.

"Turn to page 394..." snape whispered. I tried talking to Harry but instead Snape whacked my head with a book.

Bloody hell he can be scary. I ran to the hall and gave Mattheo a look,we went to the old broom closet to talk.

"Mattheo what are we gonna do if people find out? especially Harry" I said. Mattheo placed his arm around my waist.

"We'll figure it out, Angel" He responded.

My cheeks heated up at the use of the nickname. "Angel?"

"Like it?" He asked.

"Yes, I do" I said with a smile.

We both heard Harry outside the closet wondering where we went. "Put this one," I instructed Mattheo.

It was Harry's invisibility cloak, "Nicked it off Harry when I got here" I whispered.

Harry saw me and opened the closet.

"Hey Harry just checking out the old broom's" I said panicked.

"You are so random"

"Look I know your friends with Riddle but it's not safe if you date" Harry continued.

"Yup I understand, I don't know why you would think of such things. We are not dating and we will not date. Anyways, got to go" I quickly responded. I ran out into my dorm and sat to think.

Harry's pov:

I think they are dating. I mean she denied it multiple times. I've got to find out.

"Oh hey, Mione" I said.

Hermione asked "Harry what are you doing? Your not sneaking up on your sister are you?"

"I'm not sneaking up on her just spying, trust me something is going on with Riddle and her. She is deniying their friendship so many times. She is suspicious and if they are dating then she could get killed by Voldemort" I whispered.

"What an idiot both of you, spying on your sister and she is dating a Riddle honestly can't you two ever get along and obey the rules?" Hermione added.

I was shocked that she thought they were dating too but it must be obvious. Then I saw it y/n and Mattheo kiss. Ew, not a pleasent sight.

Y/n's pov:

Whenever I was with him it felt like magic, whenever I was with him it felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders.

I saw someone staring at me through my dorm so Mattheo hid. Harry came in and said he saw us kiss.

"Y/n how could you be so stupid to date him I mean come on even if your friends it was risky. Voldemort could kill you, did you not think about that?"

"Maybe I didn't think it through, but I know what I want and I've never felt happier. Maybe it's cause it's forbidden that makes it even better. You can't control me" I told Harry.

Mattheo re-appeared with his hands in his pockets.

"Your brother is right, I've got to go" Mattheo said.

I chased after him but I couldn't find him. I ran to my dorm and slammed my door and locked it.

I went to the astronomy tower hoping Mattheo would be there, to my suprise he was.

"I don't care what he says, you know. You're my priority, you are my happiness" I said, Mattheo turned around with a cigarette in his hands.

"Y/n if my dad finds out about us he is going to kill you it's not worth it. Just for a little bit can we be friends that's it just for a little" he said.

I agreed but I had to do something to make this easier somehow. "𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞" I whispered and I ran out. Then the thoughts sunk in.

I obliviated him.

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