Chapter 18: Draco is good

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Mattheo's Pov:

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Mattheo's Pov:

Y/n sitting next to me cuddled up makes me always feel happy but it reminds me of how much I missed her when I left. She is just mine all mine.

Y/n's pov:

I woke up and everything was strange. I had this feeling that something was different but I couldn't say what was different because I didn't know.

I sprinted out of the tent and stopped. I saw snatchers everywhere.

"Female's perfume" he said staring right at me.

Only he couldn't see me, Hermione cast a spell to make a force field type that no-one can see in. I silently walked back to the tent.

"Hermione,Ron,Harry, Theo. Get up, there is snatchers outside and I'm not dealing with this" I silently but loudly spoke. They all got up.

"Y/n it's your perfume" hermione said.

"Girl I'm not gonna stink with my boyfriend around, and let's not forget that you are also wearing perfume to impress Ron" I added.

"Whatever. Honestly you're as much guilty as me" she hissed before walking away packing her bags.

I saw Ron with a smile on his face when I said about mione trying to impress him. All three of us quickly packed our bags and the snatchers were standing outside.

"Ready?" Hermione whispered.

We all nodded.

The snatchers smelt mine and Mione's perfume and broke the spell.

"SNATCH EM" the leader snatcher yelled.

"RUN" I yelled. I was the fastest, Mattheo was right behind me with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

I bolted as quick as I could shouting spells to get them off guard.

"EXPELIAMAUS" I yelled before tripping over a log.

"Bloody hell" I screamed. Mattheo grabbed me by the arm.

"Angel are you okay? Come on we gotta go" He said panicked.

I stood up and I couldn't walk. "Theo I can't my ankle it's twisted" I stuttered.

"We can do this" he gulped.

I shook my head. "just go! I'll be okay, I promise" I said. He nodded and him and the others ran.

"What a pity..GRAB 'ER" the snatcher said. Everything went black.

"Y/n!" A voice spoke. I slowly awoken my eyes and saw Draco.

"What are you doing here?" Draco whispered.

"Huh? Draco? The snatchers took me here but I don't know where here is" I stated.

"Don't worry I can get you out of here. This is Bellatrix's vault, they took you here as some sort of plan to lure the rest of your gang" he said.

Draco told me what happened and why he was here too. "So you got placed here to alert them when they arrive?" I asked. He nodded.

"Why don't you tell them then?"

I tried untying my hands that were covered by rope.

"Cause your my friend I'm sorry if I've been a total douche"

"It's fine"

He stood up and got a knife and cut the rope. "Run!" He said

I gave him a hug then ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. Draco is a good person afterall.

I found myself in a familiar place.

"Angel"I turned around and saw Mattheo.

"Oh my god Theo. Ive missed you so much"

"Ive missed you so much too we need to go now"

He gave me a kiss and held my hand as we ran through the streets to where Hermione,Harry and Ron was.

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