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you stare to the ground, pursing your lips.

"he must have kept the damage to the cars to a minimum" zenitsu looks down, blood dripping from the side of his head and nezuko's box on his back.

"i guess he did" tanjiro says with his head to the ground.

"i can't believe he's gone. i mean, did an upper rank demon really show up?" zenitsu says in disbelief, you nod.


"why would and upper rank come here?" zenitsu questions.

"was it that strong? i mean.."


you sigh, dusting off your knees and legs.

you could feel the connection between your wings and back hurting, all the pressure from the people must have pulled something.

you stretch your back a bit, rolling your shoulders around.

tanjiro shakes slightly, clutching his dirty pants as tears fall down his cheeks, "i'm so frustrated!"

you look over at him, furrowing your eyebrows slightly.

"as soon as i master one thing, i find another thick wall right in front of me.." he cries, lip trembling and eyes shaking.

you look down.

"while more powerful people are fighting far beyond it"

if i had tried.. i'm sure i could have done something

at this moment, even inosuke was silent, his boar head directed to the floor.

"i just can't make it there yet!"

now, zenitsu was crying, also.

"if i'm still stumbling around in a place like this, can i.. can i.. ever become like rengoku-san?"

your lip trembles slightly, you breathe in and out.

come on. don't be weak. people die everyday, rengoku-san is no different.

tanjiro cries out as zenitsu covers his eyes with his arm, trying to block out his cries.

you rub your eyes, pulling at them slightly.

even inosuke was trying not to cry.

"stop whining already!" insouke grips his katanas.

you blink and avert your gaze towards him.

"stop saying dumbass things like, 'can i or can't i be like him?'. he said he believes in you, so just think about how you're going to measure up to that!" he swings his arms.

"all living things just go back to the earth when they die!! sobbing or snivelling won't bring them back! don't cry even if you have regrets!" and now, chunky tears were falling from his mask.

you bit the inside of your cheek.

"no matter how pathetic or humiliated you feel, you still have to go on living!" he cries out.

"but you're crying, too" zenitsu says weakly.

"there are tears flooding out from that headpiece."

inosuke smashes his head onto zenitsu's, "i'm not crying!", zenitsu flops to the ground.

inosuke cries out loudly as he runs about, flailing his arms around.

he grabs tanjiro's shoulders and shakes them, "get up! we're going to train!"

you sigh, shaking your head slightly.

he grabs the back of tanjiro's collar, dragging him.

inosuke hits his balled up fists on his head as he just sits there, taking it while crying out. you look between them all.

meanwhile, a crow flies overhead, more specifically, rengoku's crow. small tears gathered at the bottom of its eyes as well.



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words ; 533
date posted ; 7/05/22

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