Chapter 4: Friends?

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Recap: I laid on his shoulder.

"Ack! I'm sorry, that was an impulse." I nervously said as I got up and dusted off my pants. To my surprise, he pulled me back down by my hand, now causing me to lay on his chest. holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck what is happening-

"Stay, shortcake. Besides, that movie isn't over for another hour." Sun said. At least, I think it was Sun. It was mixed in with Moon's gravelly voice, so it might've been a mix of both?

Sun was blushing hard. Really hard. And also,


That was the strongest I've heard his purring noise so far.

.     .     .

"Oh, yeah I'll stay with you Sunny, if that's what you want," I whispered, a red blush creeping up my neck.

"It definitely is. But, you tell me starlight, do you think my name is Sunny?"  Moon whispered in my ear, his warm breath trailing down my spine. 

I jumped and then relaxed. I hadn't realized the lights turned off while the kids were watching their movie. Neither did the kids, apparently, they were so mesmerized by the cartoon they were watching.

"O-ohmygoshyoureherehi Moony. No, Sun wouldn't describe himself as a degenerate." I whispered jokingly back to him. 

Moon chuckled. "I wonder how you think I earned that title from him. I could show you..." Moon started.

I was shocked. WHAT? HUH- I was blushing madly. "M-M-MOON?!" I whisper yelled.

" I put the kids down for their naps." Moon finished. He had another one of his Moon Smirk™'s on.

I lightly shoved him. "Moony, you knew what you were doing, didn't you. Wait did I say that out lou-"

"Of course, I knew what I was doing. I'm not dumb, shortcake." He teased.

I sighed. "Of course," I remarked sarcastically. I was trying to be cool and casual, but in reality, I was still freaking out inside.

"Now, even though I love seeing you so...vulnerable... like this, I believe we have a job to do. Get up, or I'll carry you." Moon threatened.

"That's a punishment I wouldn't mind.." I muttered to myself as I got up.

I looked back down at him and he was.. blushing? Maybe? His emotions were always hard to read unless he was fashioning one of his Moon Smirk™'s, but even then it was hard to tell what he was thinking. But, because he started to frown in embarrassment and covered his face subtly, I'm assuming he was blushing. Damn. He's hot. WAIT NO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH-

I needed to remove myself from the situation. I didn't want to avoid Moon, but I also wasn't sure that I could handle our interactions and not make myself seem like a total spaz. 

"Hey, uhm, Moon?" I asked.

"Yessss, Starlight?" Moon hummed as he got up. He stood and stretched to his full height, and I'm not going to lie it was pretty intimidating because he usually slouched so as to not scare the kids.

"I-I have to check some analytics for Grey. I'll be back in a minute." I said, looking him up and down.

"Aww, leaving already? Fine then. Suit yourself~" he replied smoothly.

I nodded, went into my office, and locked the door. I let out a sigh. I need to get my shit together. I grumbled as I mashed my face in my hands in embarrassment. Think, think, think. 

I'll call F/N. 

Ring... Ring... 

Bzzt. "Hello? Y/N? What's up?"

"Hey F/N, I need someone to talk to right now." I said.

"Uh, sure. I'm just doing dishes right now so you might here some background noise."  F/N replied. 

"That's okay. Also, why are we being so damn formal?" I chuckled.

"HA I don't even know  I was just feeling the atmosphere, y'know?" F/N replied.

"Yeah I get it. So, uh, I'm actually going to need your full attention. It's kind of serious." I said nervously.

I heard her set down the few dishes she was washing and turned off the water. "No prob. So, what happened? Is everything okay?" she asked, concerned.

"Everything is fine, but I keep feeling these like, weird emotions? And it's not just towards everyone is towards these two specific....not people?" I tried to word it.

"What do you mean "not people"?" F/N asked.

"Well, they're kinda-sorta..robots, I guess." I shamefully replied.

"Hmm. What sort of, ahem, feelings are they?" F/N teased. I know she already knew what "feelings" I was talking about just from the way she was asking me, but she wanted to play the innocent card. That's what you get when you know a person for over 10 years.

"Very funny. Well, they're, sort of like romantic feelings? Like I get flustered around them and shit but I also get...horny. omfg that was so embarrassing to say out loud what-" I panicked and covered my face.

"HAHA! Okay, being serious though, do you like them? I'm not even sure if it's possible to have a crush on a robot." She replied.

"I KNOW! THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING! But they just seem so...real. Okay, let me give you some context. So remember when I told you I was looking for a new job?" I asked.

"Yeah, I remember that." She replied.

"So, I started working at this daycare inside the Pizza Plex. It's run by Fazbear Entertainment." 

"Okay, wait Fazbear? That company that made the Five Nights at Freddy's game series?" 

"That's the one. So I started working here and I work with two animatronics. And-"


"Yeah. I was surprised too. But the animatronics have this super-advanced A.I. and they seem like real people." I said simply.

"That's cool as shit. So which animatronics are you working with hmm?~ Who's got the lucky chance of being with my best friend?" she teased.

"Oh my god you are not helping F/N. It's Sundrop and Moondrop." I started rubbing my temples.

"SLAY MAMA QUEEEEENNNN-" she started screaming.

"Literally shut up. I need your help F/N, not your fan-girly shit." I said sarcastically.

"Whatevs. Give me the detes." she said flatly.

"Well, they're always really kind to me, and I love spending time with them. Even though I met them two days ago I feel like I've gotten close to them. Also, they're really hot? Like what the fuck? And I don't know what to do." I said.

F/N inhaled. "TELL THEM YOU LIKE THEM!!" she screamed.


"True. Well, just see how things go. And don't be a fucking spaz and get all horny with them in public." she teased.


"...BYEE BABES LOVE YOUU-" she hung up.

"Oh my god F/N I swear." I rubbed my temples and laughed to myself.

Shit. I think she was right, I do like them. 

1132 words.

authors note: hi yall slightly short chapter but i hope you liked it. 

cya on the other side~

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