Grindelwald's Secret

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Jaiden was now replying to owls that were sent to his desk office at the Magical Congress. He felt guilty about leaving his husband back at the Apartment where they were staying. The man lets out a sigh and reads the last letter before replying and sending multiple owls out, so it won't be suspicious.

Little footsteps went towards him, he turned his chair and saw Victoria. 'Oh, Victoria?' He saw that she was holding a lunch box, giving it to him. 'Papa wanted to give it to you. He was here a moment ago to drop this off.' She said, tiptoeing and placing it on the table, smiling. Jaiden was shocked but again, he can't force Draco to stay put at the apartment he worried for his safety, it was Nikolai Ivan they were talking about.

Victoria pulled his coat. 'I saw ice cream outside of the ministry, I was wondering if we can have it?' Victoria fiddled her fingers as the male stood up, reaching her hand out. 'Let's get some.' He said, the girl grabbed his hand and giggled. 'Let's go!' She said, dragging him towards the elevator and being greeted by the elf, going to the ground floor.

Going outside to buy his adopted daughter ice cream before sighing, he wondered what is his husband doing?

Just like Jaiden, he was answering letters as well. The Ministry, Scorpius, and his mother. Draco stood up to get a fresh cup of coffee again, as usual, he was already needing it. While making one in the kitchen, he felt a dark aura surrounding the area, he gripped his wand as he slowly kept towards the living room.

The male looked around. 'Watch where you pointing that wand, Malfoy.' He flinched, turning around to see a white-haired male. 'Ex–' The man shush him and went towards him. 'Shush now, you don't want to activate that bracelet.' Draco was confused and looked at his hand to find a glowing particle bracelet. 'Just one magic. And you're life... (chuckles) You have to say goodbye to Jaiden.' Draco was angry at him. 'I'll never submit to you, you filthy Mudblood.' He said. 'Remember Jaiden, Malfoy. Wand, now. And you're coming with me.' Draco didn't say anything cause he didn't want anything to happen to Jaiden.

Jaiden was in a meeting, yawning softly. Of course, he's already bored. Not until Nicole barged in and told them. 'There were sightings of Nikolai walking across the street.' She said this made everyone stand up. 'Where?' Jaiden asked, seriously.

Crying. That was heard. It was Victoria and ran towards Jaiden, he carried her and asked her worriedly. 'Tori, what's wrong? Love?' Victoria sniffled and looked at her adopted daddy. 'I-It's papa! Daddy! I-i... (cries) I can sense Nikolai... He's with him.' Jaiden's eyes went wide as Victoria kept on crying on his shoulders, he couldn't believe that Nikolai took Draco with him.

At the apartment, Jaiden investigate as he had sent an owl for Harry, Lyra, Ron, Hermione, and George to come to America. 'You think Nikolai threatened him?' Nicole asked, who is beside the male. 'Surely he did. Draco isn't that type of person to go with someone unless they threatened him with someone he loved.' He said, looking at him. 'Does it have something with you?' She asked. Jaiden sighed and looked at Nicole. 'If it is... Surely it does have to do something with me.' Sighing and Nicole looked at him. 'Getting the Dumbledore's Army back together again, aren't we?' Nicole chuckled and Jaiden smiled, nodding as a yes. 'We need a lot of back up here.' He said.

'I have a friend. She's from Ilvermorny, we might need her also.' She said, looking at her. 'Then... Let's gather at the Magical Congress, the meeting room.'

Morning in America, Magical Congress. Everyone was already there for an immediate meeting, they were already waiting for Jaide. The door opened to reveal Jaiden with Victoria. 'When did you adopt a little girl?' Hermione asked, noticing the little girl. 'Long story. She's not in the mood to talk after what happened yesterday.' He said, placing the girl on the front chair and looking at them. 'What happened? Where's Draco?' Lyra asked, looking at Jaiden. 'That's a thing. Nikolai has him.'

Everyone's eyes went wide. 'Yes. Shocking. It better has something to do–' The door opened to see an Auror. 'Sir!' He presents a note to Jaiden and then exited, the man reading it before ripping it apart. 'What happened?' Asked Harry. 'Nikolai's at the center. Let's go.' he said, looking at them. Of course, all of them went there.

Once they were there, Nikolai has many followers. 'Seems you also brought an Army.' Nikolai stated as Jaiden glared at him. 'Where's my husband?' Asked jaiden, angrily.

'Woah, stay calm. You're beloved is safe with us.' Nikolai answered.

Jaiden knew they were outnumbered with this. 'We're outnumbered at this.' He mumbled to Nicole, the male looked back at Nikolai. 'What do you want in exchange for my husband?' He asked. Nikolai was liking this. 'Grindelwald's secret.' He simply answered.

'Grindelwald's what.' He was shocked. 'It's still alive there somewhere, his artifacts, diary and all. I'll give you 2 weeks for it and Draco's all yours again.' He said then disappeared along with his troops.

'He's fucking crazy! Why would he want Grindelwald's secrets?' Harry stated, shockingly. Jaiden was thinking of a plan, Victoria went toward him and held his trench coat. 'Daddy...' She said, looking at the male. Jaiden looked at her and sighed. 'How are you, my love?' He asked. 'I'm fine, Daddy. Madam president treated me to lunch.' She said, smiling. Jaiden chuckled and sighed. 'That's great. At least you have eaten.' He said, looking at her. 'I think I need your navigation this time.' He looked at her, Victoria nodded and was determined to find her Papa.

Jaiden gave her Draco's old Slytherin tie and Victoria looked at it and hummed, nodding. 'Papa's at where Gelbert Grindelwald fought Albus Dumbledore during the Leader elections of Wizards and Muggle.' She said, looking at him. Jaiden looked at her and glanced at the others. 'Do you know where is that, Nicole?' Jaiden stood up, looking at the Magizoologist.

Nicole hummed, thinking. 'Technically, yes.' She said. 'We have to get the secrets first.' – 'No! We don't know what those artifacts do!' Hermione argued. 'I know you want Draco to be safe, but think about the consequences when you gave those artifacts up.' She added.

Jaiden looked at Hermione, knowing that she was right. 'Alright... We need a break-out plan.' 

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