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(This is really just a short description of what you're life is like in the MCU)

~ Mari. Me. A girl who is in for a whole bunch of trouble with a little spider. ~

< "Heh. I bet you think you're just soooo amazing don't ya. Walking around here saving "Damsels in Distress"." I said as I rolled my eyes just knowing he had a smug look on his face even with the mask on. >

< "Ah so you are a Damsel in Distress! Hah! I knew it." >

< "Oh well yeah I am a Damsel. Just not for you hun." I said walking away with a cocky smirk as he had except defeat in his flirtatious manners. >

< ... The Spider Boy isn't so bad after all... kinda cute even. >

This was a weird lil introduction thing the first chapter is gonna start of with them not knowing each other though. Just wanted to show what their chemistry would be like throughout the story!

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