Getting Curious ~Spider Man~

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   I was sleeping when I heard someone groaning and grunting. I slowly opened my eyes to see a tired looking Spider-Man trying to get up.

I jumped a little forgetting the odd situation I had gotten myself into. I paused for a moment wondering if he had even noticed my presence.

"Ugh... H-hey..." He said most likely directing toward me. "Uh... y-yea Hiy- I mean I'm. . . Um H-hey..." I answered nervously wondering what he'd do or ask.

Taking a deep breath in and out he said "I-if you don't mind me a-asking... How exactly did I get here in a- well wherever here is?"

I froze for a bit but then frantically answered "Um Y-you were shot and you stumbled into this Sweet shop as I was about to leave. You were practically bleeding to death so I couldn't just leave you there... and I-... ya know stitched up your wound or whatever."

He sat there looking down at the now almost fully healed gun shot wound on his chest. Then he looked back up at me. God I wish I could see his face so I could tell what he was thinking. He was just staring at me with that stupid mask on without saying a word.

"T-thank you... for-... stitching up my wound and keeping me here safe..."

I was shocked by what he said. I thought he'd be upset or angry. I just definitely didn't expect this type of reaction.

"Um... of course. It's nothing real-"

"But still. You didn't have to. You put yourself in a really bad position just by not immediately calling the cops. So... I thank you for that."

I just sat there still surprised by what I was hearing.

"Is there anyway I could repay you?"

"W-what?! No no you don't have to do that! Honestly the best way you could repay me is being alive and you've already done that... and maybe take a shower... please."

He chuckled a bit at my last comment. Then there was silence between us again. Until he said "Not to sound offensive but... you didn't happen to take a peek under my mask did you?"

"What no! Of course not. I respect others privacy... and I can clearly see why you do this whole hero thing under a mask... it'd be horrible if you had people attacking you in your daily life." I said in an understanding tone.

I look to wonder... who exactly was he under the mask?

"Thank you. Again for basically saving my life and respecting me enough to not remove my mask... do you know what time it is?" He said in a crunchy tone.

"Uh let me check..." I looked at my phone to see it was dead. What was I supposed to do now? And there's no telling what time it is. I bet my moms worrying to death. "Uh my phones dead and I'm pretty sure we don't have a clock in here either..."

"Shoot... Do you know about how long I've been out for?" He asked sounding very tired. "No sorry... after I stitched you up I changed my clothes, washed off as much as possible and fell asleep."

"Don't be sorry. It's understandable that you fell asleep- I mean you had to patch up a gun shot wound which I doubt you've ever done... have you?" He questioned me.

"Yea no definitely not." Do I look like a surgeon to you?

"Figured..." he said then stood up stumbling a bit at first. "Uh... did I have a um... Spider-Man Backpack with me when I passed out in here?" He asked next sounding a bit embarrassed about the Spider Man backpack part.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Heh What?! YOU of all people carry a Spider-Man bag?"

"Heh yea ironic 'n it?" He said also chuckling a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: 15 hours ago ⏰

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