Getting Caught ~Spider Man~

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Ok seems like I'm done cleaning everything... time to go I guess. Hmmmm might as well be generous to myself and grab a glazed donut, since I so politely worked on an off day. I doubt Jen will mind.

Oh can't forget my pho-


What the Heck was that? I coulda swore I already locked the door... and what is anybody even doing at a Sweet treat shop this darn late anyways?

"Hey! Who's there? If it's one of you braty lil kids again I swe-"

I froze and my heart skipped a beat at the site in front of me. Spider-Man. Bruised and Bloodied up from who knows what.

"H-holy Craaa-"

I snapped back to reality and immediately went to kneel next to him. He was lying on his stomach so I had to flip him over to see his wound more clearly. Gosh he's much heavier than he looks.

He was shot. And in the chest.

He seemed to already have plenty of bruises and cuts but the shot must've been what really took him out because it seemed fresh as if it happened mer minutes ago. I decided to try and drag him to the back room so that he wouldn't draw any attention around all the windows in the front.

It took me lots more time than I expected to get him to the back. Wouldn't be surprised if he's dead seeing how long I took to drag him.

There was this love seat in the break room so I used all my strength to put him on it. Even doing that I practically killed myself and him along with me.

At this point I was covered in blood.

I consider calling 911 but I realized Id most likely be accused for his injuries.

For a second I just looked at him. Because like what was I supposed?!

I am a 18 year old who works and her cousins baking shop, makes backed goods all day, doesn't stay out past 10:00 and gets all A's and B's.


I started to panic. Like really

How was I supposed to help this poor guy?! I couldn't call the cops. I couldn't wake him up. I couldn't call anyone for help because no one was trustworthy enough for this. And I definitely couldn't do it myself. Id kill him! And that's if I already hadn't...

Hey yeah...maybe I should make sure he's alive! I went to check his heart but it was a bit to close to the gun shot for me so I checked his pulse.

How do you check someone's pulse again?

Gosh I'm really gonna kill him.

So like any other modern day child who uses the internet for everything I asked my great friends YouTube and Google how to care for a bullet wound to the chest.

So first it says check if the bullet is still there or not.

Now y'all know there ain't no way I'm sticking my fingers in there.

But I know I have to. If not for his sake for mine. I'd rather not want to deal with the death of Spider-Man weighing on my chest.

How was I even supposed to do it?! His suit was in the way... I didn't even know how to take it off him...

I tried pulling it off like a regular skin tight suit but it was as if were resisting me. So I decided to look around for some secret button that could maybe help me out.

I eventually tried the spider emblem on his suit and low and behold his suit completely releases him.

I took a peak before completely removing it and as I expected he was completely nakey under there. So I only pulled it down to about his belly button in order to see the the wound clearly.

I of course being respectful didn't remove his mask. I doubt he wanted anyone finding out his secret.

So the time had came. I had to check for the bullet. But what if I hit something vital to his life while going through there!?

Well I wouldn't know until I tried.

I slowly lean in to get a closer look and slowly take my hand and reach my fingers into the wound.

I gagged at the sound of the blood and flesh smooshing around. The smell also got much stronger as I did this.

Very soon my finger hit something. It was cold and didn't feel like a body part. I quickly grabbed it and pulled it out as gently as I could.

At that he jumped a bit still not fully waking up. Maybe that meant I was making progress? Or had I just killed him... No! I won't think like that. I can't think like that.

Ok lets see what I need to do next... stitch it up?!

How am I supposed to stitch it up!? And the video is making it seem so much easier than what it is. If it were that easy I woulda been did it!

I don't even have the resources I needed. No needle. No thread. All I have is the scissors... Maybe I can find some of the stuff I need in here.

I think Jen likes to sew every now and then but what are the chances of her having any in here...

I looked around for a while and luckily I found a needle and thread.

Wow how convenient.

First I washed my hands from the blood so it wouldn't be slippery when I tried to stitch up the wound. But when I walked back over to him the wound was slightly healed. It wasn't as large as before and less blood was spilling out.

Huh. This must be some weird super hero type stuff that lets him heal fast.

That's amazing.

Anyway I can't get distracted! I have to focus on stitching him up, even with his fast healing factor could still be fatal.

After a long stressful process I finally had done it. He was fully stitched up and already healing. I tried to clean him up as much as possible but I couldn't get all the blood up he'd just have to shower.

God Jen was gonna kill me. The break room sofa was covered in blood... and it was originally white...

He was still sleeping but I realize his heart was beating at its normal pace now. Not to fast or to slow.

I sat in a chair separate from the sofa and took a deep breath.

What had I gotten myself into?

And what am I gonna do with him? He's still asleep... I can't leave him here, can't just leave him outside, and my Mom 's gonna be worried sick if I don't show up soon. It's already 10:45...Almost a whole hour late...

I washed up as much as I could and changed my clothes because I had some spare one in my backpack. He should be glad it's winter break and I don't have school tomorrow.

I sat around for awhile until I eventually dozed off.

That was the first chapter! Hope you all enjoyed and I'm not gonna always make the chapter this long just had a lot of inspiration at the time.

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