Chapter 3)

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You really hope that she wasn't on that boat. The rite of descension was only a few days away, too. You were hoping to celebrate with your bestie but looking at the scene in front of you, it felt like a dream. Your legs threatened to buckle beneath you but you stood your ground.

"What happened?" Chongyun asked for you.

A man who is working at the docks turned his head to the two. He shook his head.

"The storms are getting worse in Inazuma. I'm not surprised this boat didn't make it back in one piece."

"Was anyone on board?" You tried to keep your voice from cracking.

"Hard to tell. We just salvaged this. It wasn't that far from the shore either."

Actually, you were kind of surprised that the thing still floated. Just that it looked like it could sink at any moment and the sails were ripped to the point that they wouldn't catch any wind. You really hope Hiro was not on that boat.

"We'll go back to our logs and see what was supposed to be on this ship. Sit tight. Hopefully no one was on it." The man then walked off.

You want to go home. You don't have the energy to do anything else today. Just your bed and sleep. You can do your commissions tomorrow. Everything can just,

Happen tomorrow.


You whipped your head around to see Chongyun leaning over you.


"Are you alright? I can carry you if you don't feel like walking." He suggested.


You hadn't realized that your knees gave out. Dropping the package in the process. You really didn't feel like standing back up. Actually if you could just lay down and disappear that would be even better.


"WHY ARE YOU YELLING!" You snapped, irritated that he interrupted your train of thought again.

"You're crying and I don't know what to do!" He said, freaking out.

Now you're confused. You don't cry. Ever. Especially not in public. But once you touch your cheeks, you find that your fingertips are wet. You frown. You look out back to the sea and sigh.

"I'm going to take you up on that offer." You said, turning back to face him.

"What?" Chongyun was still in a slight panic.

"You offered to carry me. I really don't feel like walking at the moment." You look back to the sea.

The peaceful sea. How can something so calm and relaxing be so unforgiving? Why can't that damn Shogunate open the country? For the sake of eternity my ass.

Your eyes grew heavy and you realize that you were on someone's back.

"So, where do you live?" Chongyun asked, while readjusting you on his back.

You gave him simple directions and you close your eyes again.

Why were you to tired? You didn't do anything today. Maybe you'll ask bestie for an answer.

The soft sounds of Laura breathing didn't go unnoticed by Chongyun. He soon realized that you fell asleep on his back. He hurried to get you to a bed so you wouldn't be too uncomfortable. But once he got to your door, he was perplexed. How does he open the door without letting you go? He slowly let go of one of your legs and prayed to the gods that the door wasn't locked.

Thankfully, you were in such a hurry that you, indeed, forgot to lock the front door.


Chongyun made it through you home and eventually stumbled upon your slightly messy room. He laid you down onto your bed and politely tucked you in. He quickly exited your home and locked the door.

Chongyun then hurried to find Xingqiu. He had a few questions for him. After spending a good amount of time searching for the boy, Chongyun couldn't remember why he wasn't with him to begin with.

"Didn't he say that something came up or..." Chongyun eyes then wondered to the boy he was looking for.


Xingqiu smiled at his friend and walked up to him.

"Chongyun, it's good to see that you're still in Liyue. Where is Laura?"

Chongyun then explained what happened.

"I see."

How odd was all Chongyun thought. Xingqiu normally has more to say.

"I was wondering what could be wrong with Laura." Chongyun asked.

"Actually, this could be pretty bad."

"How bad?"

"Well to explain, Laura is waiting for a friend to arrive from Inazuma and what I gathered, they are close." Xingqiu then pulled out a book.

"I guess that would explain the reaction..."

"Yes, however, Her friend is also a friend of mine. Her name is Hiro or at least her family name is. Through Hiro, I met Laura and was even asked by Hiro to look after her." Xingqiu was now scanning through the pages in his book.

"That still doesn't explain why this is bad." Chongyun hung his head, not understanding completely.

"Well, Hiro it the head of her clan. They're mostly known for their unique sword style. So they are highly respected because they have partaken on the winning side of a war a long time ago. I'm sure you heard of them. Although, I'm surprised that she's coming to Liyue with her busy schedule." He closed the book and quickly put it away.

"So she's part of an important clan and is possibly dead?" Chongyun asked, not fully understanding his friend.

Xingqiu shook his head. "Yes, that's the case. I also heard that she started to distribute goods and information."

Chongyun tuned out his friend talking about some weird lady.

"So do you know anything about the boat that arrived today?" Chongyun asked.

Xingqiu then nodded his head. " It was a two passenger boat. Most of it was cargo though."

"No word on who the people were?" Chongyun had a disappointed face.

He wanted to help you feel better. No one should have to worry so much someone else like this.

"None. Without the second boat that's supposed to come in, no one can be sure."

"There's a second boat?!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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