03 ;; Tortol

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「 Tortol 」

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━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡︎♡︎♡︎
EVERY STUDENT IN Jae Won High knows just how weird and disturbing the students in the Comics and Animation Department are, especially the ones who're obsessed with the Japanese culture.

One particular student wasn't all that different from them, but he definitely still has some manners-- well, barely.

While walking towards the bathroom, a soft breeze swept past him as he turned a corner, making the hair on his arms rise up. There were rumours that a ghost roamed around in school at night, but it was still bright in the morning so a ghost showing up at this hour was quite ridiculous.

At least that's what he thinks.

Finally reaching his destination, Nakyeom Song hurriedly went inside a cubicle and happily relieved himself, completely oblivious to the sounds of seemingly ominous footsteps just right outside his cubicle.

After a few minutes of silence, Nakyeom was done doing the do and carelessly opened the cubicle door. The sudden sight of a thin, pale person standing right in front of him nearly made him shit his ass again, he couldn't help but release a frightful scream as he stumbled backwards, nearly landing in the toilet if it hadn't been for Prince grabbing onto his tie.

Pulling the latter up, Nakyeom shakily went back unto his feet, his knees still wobbling as his heart pounded erratically in his chest at the sudden jumpscare.

Waiting for the other to compose himself, Prince stood silently infront of him, in his hand was Nakyeom's handkerchief, his name sewed at the bottom of it.

Once the red haired male finished composing himself, he heaved a long sigh. Prince noticed that he had mismatched eyes, one was crimson and the other similar to gold. Knowing that it wasn't exactly common for people to have that type of eye colour, he mused that he was cosplaying someone, considering he is from the Comics and Animation Department.

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