our dear harry

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disclaimer: written by mico-chan

If anything, the people I hate are those who break the rules and skip class, but get better grades than people who take their studies seriously. There's a limit to how much someone can goof off.

"Hey, Lily! You going on holiday with your family this summer?" called a voice.

I looked around, but couldn't see anyone. "James Potter, where are you? Come out here right now! I've been sent to look for you!"

"Hmmm," said a voice above me. "And why were you looking for me?"

I looked up to see James sitting in a tree, a book open on his lap.

I frowned. "You skipped Transfiguration again. Professor McGonnagol got angry and asked me to go get you!"

"Big whoop," said James, closing his book and stuffing it in his bag. He swung his legs over the branch and jumped down to the ground.

"Careful, you idiot!" I said. "That's dangerous!"

James stood up, grinning from ear to ear. "My apologies for making you come all the way out here," he said, taking a small bow. "I'll return to the classroom at once."

I wasn't listening. "W... what would you have done if you'd been hurt jumping out that tree?! You're Gryffindor's Chaser, for god's sake!"

James stepped closer so his face was right in front of mine. "Anyway, Lily, if you're going on a trip with your family, I'd recommend Aberdeen over Haworth."

I looked at him, confused. "Huh?"

James smiled and started making his way back to the castle.

"Why should I have to listen to you spouting off about my family's trips?" I asked, walking behind him. "If you have time to meddle in other people's trips, then worry about your classes! No matter how good your grades are, if you keep on goofing off you won't be able to pass."

"As you say," said James, in an infuriating sing-song voice. Suddenly, he stopped walking and half turned round to look at me, his expression unreadable. "Say, Lily... You shouldn't go to Haworth. Really..." He turned back around and started walking again.

How did he know?... I wondered.

It had been decided half a year earlier that me and my family would go to Haworth for the summer. The parent's of one of my sister's friends have a property there, with a big hotel nearby, which they own. They'd invited is to stay there for the summer. My sister, Petunia, was really looking forward to it, which quite a bunch of her friends had been invited on too. There's no way to change the plans now (even given my "wizard friend told me not to go").

"How long are you going to sulk, Petunia?" asked my mother. "What choice do we have?"

We were driving to Aberdeen. There had been a change of plan as my Great Aunt had suddenly fallen ill. We were going to take care of her.

"But... I'm supposed to be going on a trip with Holly, Jessica and the others..." huffed Petunia, her arms folded and her bottom lip jutting out in the mother of all pouts.

"We have to at least take care of your Great Aunt during the summer holidays," said my father, glancing at Petunia in the mirror. "You'll be able to go to Haworth next summer."

"But I wanted to go with all my friends!" said Petunia, her voice getting a sharp edge.

I heard the news come on the radio. I listened to see if anything interesting had happened.

"And now, breaking news: In the Chesterfield area, a train has derailed." said the news reporter. "A limited express train headed to New Yorkshire derailed after passing through Chesterfield. The railroad cars flipped over, resulting in a large number of casualties..."

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