Simon Says

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Gi-hun quietly opened the vent and crawled inside. He slowly made his way to the kitchen and peered down the open vent to see. The soldiers were done preparing the meals. But they were putting that same white power on the white rice. Gi-hun didn't know what was in that powder, but he had to warn Hwang beforehand. He quickly made his way back to his room just in time to hear someone knock on his door.

"Soldier 158. You are to deliver the meals to the soldiers at once."

He nodded and rolled the tray of food to the room of players. There looked to be around a hundred left. Maybe a few more. He watched as each player  grabbed a tray. After some time, Hwang walked up.

"Here," Gi-hun said quietly, "don't eat the rice. They put that... powder stuff in there. I'm not sure what it is, but just be cautious."

Hwang nodded and reached to grab his tray. After all the players had received their food, a soldier leaned over toward Gi-hun.

"158, didn't you read the rules? You can't talk to the players. If you keep this up, the Frontman is probably going to demote you. Maybe even kill you."

Before Gi-hun could respond, the intercom came on.

"Attention all players, lunch is now served. You will have one hour to prepare for the next game."

Gi-hun turned to leave, but he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a square mask.

"Let's have a talk about these rules. Follow me."

Gi-hun quietly followed the soldier to another hallway where there was a dead end.

"Take off your mask," the soldier ordered.

Gi-hun didn't move.

"Take. Off. Your. Mask!!"

The soldier quickly pointed his gun toward Gi-hun. Gi-hun lowered his mask slowly, revealing his face. And the soldier's eyes went wide.


"Seong Gi-hun," he said. "You're going to get me promoted. Understand?"

Gi-hun quickly used his foot to trip the soldier and grabbed the gun, pointed it strait at the soldier head.

"Do. You. Understand?" Gi-hun asked, pressing the gun harder against the soldier's mask.

The soldier rose his hands in defense.
"Okay okay! I'll get you promoted. Just don't shoot me! I have a family to support! I only took this job for the money! I swear!"

Gi-hun stared at him and lowered the gun.

"Just get me promoted," he said, tossing the gun.

"Attention all players," the voice on the intercom said, "the next game will begin in ten minutes. Please go outside where the soldiers will be waiting for you."

Gi-hun walked away from the dazed soldier and made his way out the building. There was a huge looking robot of a little boy. It was disturbing. And reminded Gi-hun of 'red light green light'...

The players walked out slowly. Looking sluggish and tired. Except Hwang, who looked fine.

"Alright players, welcome to the fifth game. This game is Simon Says. The rules of this game are simple. If Simon says, 'Simon says touch your nose,' then players must touch their nose. But, if Simon simply says, 'jump,'without first saying 'Simon says,' players must not jump. This game will last five minutes. Those that do not follow these rules will be eliminated. I shall repeat the instructions..."

This game requires a lot of concentration and focus. I hope Hwang does okay, Gi-hun thought, as the game began.

All of the player stood around as the robot turned to face them.

"Touch your face," the robot said, in a creepy childish voice.

Gi-hun watched as a few players did so without hesitation. And he saw the robots eyes scan the area, before a few shots were fired, killed them.

"Player 12, 56, and 43 are eliminated," the voice on the intercom announced.

"Simon says, turn around clockwise."

All of the players slowly turned around, but one went counterclockwise.

"I'm sorry player 9, you've been eliminated," the voice on the intercom announced.

Gi-hun kept his eyes on the ground as he heard another gunshot fire. After a few more rounds of gunshots, Gi-hun finally got the courage to look up again. Many players were laying on the ground, laying in blood.

"Jump," the robot said.

Hwang did nothing. Neither did the other players. There was about thirty seconds left...

"Simon says, sit down."

Gi-hun watched as all of the players sat down.

"Congratulations, players. You have completed the fifth game. You may now go to your beds and rest. Dinner will be served to you soon."

Gi-hun walked with the other soldiers when he was stopped by another.

"The Frontman wants to speak to you again. Follow me," they said.

Gi-hun did so without hesitation and found the Frontman in an elaborate room. There was a yellow chandelier that casted the entire room in a golden color. Even the Frontman that was a few feet away looked golden.

"Welcome, soldier 158," the Frontman said. "I've heard that you've been working exceptionally around here from the other soldiers. So I decided to promote you to the highest rank available."

Gi-hun watched as the Frontman brought out a square mask and a sniper rifle.

Gi-hun took off his mask and quickly replaced it with the new one, however, he was hesitant about taking the gun.

"Sir?" he asked, "what's the gun for?"

The Frontman looked down at him.
"To eliminate the players, of course. The games will end soon. You job is to merely watch over the players and make sure they follow the rules. If they don't, eliminate them immediately. Do you understand?"

Gi-hun's hands shook as he took the gun in his hands.

"Yes," he responded.

"Good. You may return to your room until the next game."

"Wait. What about serving dinner?" Gi-hun asked.

The Frontman scoffed. "Those duties are saved for the lower ranked soldiers. You don't have that job anymore. Now, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'm expecting a very important call."

Gi-hun and the other soldier walked silently to their rooms. Gi-hun unlocked his with his key. He then closed the door and sat the rifle nearby before sitting on his bed.

Dammit, he thought, holding his head in his hands.

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