The Floor is Lava

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The gun fired loudly, hitting the girl in the chest, and she collapsed instantly.
Gi-hun ran back to find Hwang, he was waiting for me in his hiding spot.

"That concludes our sixth game," a female voice on the intercom said. "Please follow our staff inside."

As Hwang started to walk back, Gi-hun put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hwang wait. I think something...strange is going on. The players seem lethargic since they got here. Except you. I was wondering if you knew anything about it."

Hwang shook his head. "If I had to guess, I'd say it's whatever that put in the food. I've avoided it like you told me to, and I didn't feel tired today."

Gi-hun made a mental note on this and escorted Hwang to the players beds. Which they're were only around 20 or so.

Gi-hun leaned closer to Hwang and whispered in his ear.

"I'm going to try and figure out the next and final game. I'll let you know tonight if I find out anything. Be safe."

Hwang nodded as Gi-hun walked away with the other soldiers. As he was walking back to his room, he ran into another soldier who had a triangle mask.

"Excuse me," he said.

The soldier turned around and instantly straightened up.

"Sir, what do you need?" the soldier asked.

"Do you know what the game is?"

The soldier shook his head. "None of us do. The Frontman hasn't revealed it yet. He's waiting until the day of the game. I hear this one is going to be the best."

The soldier said nothing else as he walked to his door, turned the key, and walked inside.

Gi-hun did the same and laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He had no way of warning Hwang. And the game is supposed to the most...entertaining game. And to Gi-hun, that didn't sound good.

He sighed, closed his eyes and eventually went into a deep sleep.

He awoke just before the intercom came on and got ready for headcount.

Once the headcount was over, we went to our designated locations. The managers would be monitoring the final game. And Gi-hun needed to find the computers. He followed another manager to the large room and sat down near a desk. As he was watching, all of the 20 players went to a large room. There were several types of furniture, like the ones you'd kind in an ordinary home. The floor...looked burning hot. It was glowing a fiery hot red.

Gi-hun heard footsteps behind him, and then a familiar metallic click.

"Soldier 158...I need you to come with me."

Gi-hun turned around and was face-to-face with the Frontman.

"What have I done, sir?" Gi-hun asked.

"I know your not a soldier, Gi-hun. I shouldn't have let you get past me, but somehow, my incompetent colleagues managed to take you in. And that was a huge mistake. I specifically told you not to come back to this place."

The Frontman fired his gun, and it hit Gi-gun in his arm. He cried out in pain as the Frontman gestured to a few soldiers.

"Take him to my quarters. I'll take care of him myself," he said.

The soldiers nodded before putting Gi-hun's hands behind his back. Gi-hun tried to fight back, but the pain in his arm made it impossible to do so.

I'm dead, Gi-hun thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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