kiss me

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? : So you bought this?

She flinched at her place badly, before turning around slowly.
She start gulping hard looking at
JUNGKOOK who's staring her with a smirk on his face
She shook her head, tears start forming in her big eyes

Jungkook : lying

He said leaning towards her face, she back off a little getting scared of him.

Jungkook : tsk tsk what will happened when eomma appa comes to know what's their little maid do?
She bite her lips, sobbing

Y/n : i-im sorry d-dont te-tell th-them please

Jungkook : Then why did you bought this huh?

He yell at her face , she start shaking badly

Y/n : i-i l-like this l-little t-toy b-but m-mam wasn't buying me this

She said sobbing more

Jungkook : Hmm I'll not tell them if you--

She looked at him with confused face , staring him with her big eyes
Damn sure she is looking cute

Jungkook : kiss me

She just stood being dumbfounded, she don't know the meaning of kiss

Jungkook : what are you waiting for kiss me

He said rudely

Y/n : w-whats ki-kiss?
He laugh on her

Jungkook : you don't know ?

She shook her head innocently

Jungkook : really?

He asked leaning towards her face
His nose touch her nose
She was blinking her eyes so much

Jungkook : I'll teach you

She nod her head slowly ,not knowing what he mean
He lean towards her Lil face, before cupping her cheeks.
She have puffy cheek, he lean towards her lips.
Before capturing her lips into his. She flinched first , he start kissing her.
He pulled off when she hit his shoulder

Jungkook : what the fuck you hit me huh?
He shout on her making her flinch

Y/n : so-sorry ma-master

She said Looking down

Y/n : is i-it called kiss?

He nod his head

Y/n : n-now you'll not  t-tell anyone right?

He nod being bored
She smile bright , her eyes shine

Y/n : kissing so-someone make them agree to do s-something?

She asked being innocent
He rolled his eyes , she smile before saying

Y/n : t-then i-ill kiss head mam she will surely b-buy me toys yahhh

She said giggling

Jungkook : shut up

He yell at her face , poor soul get scared

Jungkook : Kissing is not for everyone

She had widen eyes

Jungkook : if you kiss someone else except me then I'll break your bones

She start crying

Y/n : do-don't br-break my b-bone master

Y/n : i-ill not kiss a-anyone i swear pinky promise

He rolled his eyes before leaving her there alone.
She sniffed before hugging the soft plushie

Y/n : we are sa-safe now baby , Master won't tell anyone he promise

She said smiling

After some minutes
She heard mrs. Jeon shouting her name. She stood up being scared
Why mam is calling me? She think in her mind.

She walk towards living room, she roamed her eye around. Mr.jeon and Mrs. Jeon were standing infront of the couch glaring her, she gulp down.
She moved her head to see . Jungkook was smirking looking at her.
She didn't understand what's happening?

She stood infront of Mrs. Jeon

Y/n : m-mam y---

She was going to ask her , when she slap the poor soul, she fall down holding her cheek.
She start crying holding her cheek

Mr. Jeon : Hmm don't slap her chun-ja
(chun-ja name of mrs.jeon)

Mrs.jeon glare at mr. Jeon before nodding her head.

Mr.jeon : and you get up

He said pointing towards yn
She get up slowly , holding her cheek still sobbing

Mr. Jeon : so now you start lying too huh?

He asked
She shook her head , crying more

Mr. Jeon : Jungkook

He shout
Jungkook stood infront of his father

Jungkook : yes dad?

Mr Jeon : go bring my leather belt

He said glaring at yn , she start shaking , she shook her head
She run towards mr. Jeon holding his leg

Y/n : p-please p-please don't b-beat me mr. Jeon i-im sorry p-please

She said crying hard, jungkook was staring her figure

Mr. Jeon : jungkook don't you hear

He shout
Jungkook flinched before nodding, he run towards his father bedroom.

Yn who's continuesly begging him to not beat her. She was saying sorry million times

Y/n : i-im sorry pl-please

She hug his leg tightly
She turned around looking at the head maid, who's looking down. She get up running towards her
She hold her hands

Y/n : p-please ahjumma sav-save me i-im sorry I'll do anything a-again

Y/n : please t-tell him not to beat me I'm sorry

Little poor soul was very afraid. She was so scared of them! Specially when it's comes to beating

Jungkook come downstairs holding a leather belt in his hand.
He was walking slow staring yn who's crying still in his father shoe.


Mr. Jeon took that belt in his hand , before jerking her off from his leg.
He start taking step towards her she was backing off on floor.
While shooking her head

Y/n : p-please i-im sorry

She said crying hard, without wasting a second.
Mr Jeon whipped that belt on her hand she screamed loudly

Mr. Jeon : from these hand you take that toy huh

He yell before again whipping that belt on her skin.
She was rubbing the part whenever he is whipping the belt.
She become crying mess, mrs. Jeon were enjoying the scene. And jungkook was staring yn without any expression and emotion..
All of the staff were feeling pity for that poor child.

Mr. Jeon : will you again bought?

He asked whipping hard
She shook her head still crying

Y/n : no no I'm sorry
She Scream

He beat her so much, she is still laying on floor.
No one will help her, she was sobbing hard!
Everyone was left
She crawled her small tiny figure while crying.
She was rubbing her skin which get red because of the belt.

Jungkook : is it paining?


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