Louis Fainted

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a/n so this is it, my first one. I hope that it isn't too bad? I always liked reading them, so I thought to myself, why not start one? :) Send in request if you have any ideas in what I have to write. Thank you and love you.

Louis POV

From the moment I woke up, I started to feel lightheaded. Maybe is was just de motions of the bus f*cking with me? Right? I don't know.

I looked at my phone and saw that is was 8 o'clock which meant that Liam could wake us up any moment. He was always a early bird which I don't understand at all.
Speaking of Liam

"Hey lou, breakfast is ready" Liam said
I groaned en mumbled an quit okay, coming.
While he woke up the others, I went to sitting up right. Immediately started to feel dizzy. I just waited for a few seconds till it passed.

When I walked in the area for breakfast, is saw that everyone was already sitting there, apart for Harry and zayn. Harry was in the kitchen making himself a tea. And zayn was most likely still asleep.

I asked Harry if he could make a tea for me to? Which he responded with a okay.

When I sat down, liams eyes were immediately on me.
"Why Are you looking like that at me Li?"
"You look as white as a ghost mate"
"Well thanks Li, I just woke up"
"No, I know. But you are alright right?" Liam said
"Yeah Ofcourse, otherwise I would tell you alright."
"Yeah Okey"
Harry walked in with the two tea cups and handed one to me.
"Thank harry" I said en smiled at him.
"No problem Lou" he said back with a little Blush.

Niall asked what the plans were for today. Liam responded with a interview in a hour and a photo shoot around 3 o'clock. Luckily no concert tonight. So we had the whole evening for ourselves.
Zayn Made his appearance after some time.

When it was time to got to the interviews everyone stood up and grabbed a coat or putting a pair of shoes on real Quik.

I stood up and that same dizzy spell came over me again. Grabbed the table to steady myself en closed my eyes for a few seconds.
A hand touched my shoulder and I opened my eyes. Before me was standing a worried Liam. Eyes scanning all over me.
"I'm fine Li" I said, my voice a little shaky
"You're not, any dumbass could see that, now tell what's going on"
"Ugh fine, IT was Just a little dizzy spell, nothing I can't handle"
"First time today?"
"No second" I responded a little embarrassed.
"Okay well luckily we don't have a concert tonight, if you feel worse or weird or anything like that, you tell me immediately. Even we are in A middle of a interview of fotoshoot, okay?" Liam said with his soft brown eyes at me.
"Yeah, yeah will, now let's go to the van, the others might worry where we are"


I started to feel lightheaded somewhere in the middle of the interview. The lady was asking the usual questions, what are your love interests? What do you look for in a girl? What song do you love the most on this album?
I didn't really answer Them, but I nodded along. I knew that Liam knows that there is something wrong with me. I saw Niall looking at me a few times as well, he sat beside me on the couch. In was on the far left, Niall middle and then Harry at the right. Liam and zayn were stood behind us.

When the interview was done, I wanted to stand up, but my whole body protested. The second I stood up, I began to see black spots and I could feel my body starting to sway. I felt hands on my back and heard people asking my name in the far distance. That's all I could remember before falling into blackness.

Liam POV

I knew that Lou was getting worse along the day, especially during the interview. I think that all of us knew for what was coming.

He stood up and alle of were aware of the swaying, myself and zayn immediately put ou hands on his back to keep him steady. Niall and Harry were in front of him asking his name and what's wrong? But he never responded. His eyes were distant and cloudy before they suddenly closed.

We lowered him gently onto the ground. Paul came to us immediately and asked what's wrong.

After a minute or two, we heard slight groaning. "Come on Lou, come back around."

"Can someone get some water?" Harry asked to no one in particular in the room, Someone walked away from the corner of my eye.

His eyes fluttered open, looking around to us, scanning our faces slowly.

"You passed out on us mate, keep laying down for a few more moments." Paul said. He hummed back in response.

"Does anything hurt?" Niall asked then.
"No" he answered back in a whisper.

After a few minutes he came back around more and we helped him into a sitting position before we helped in stand.

"You alright now?" I asked after a few seconds of him standing on his own.

"I don't know"
"Well what happend?"
"I kept feeling dizzy, and I remember the feeling that the interview never ended. And then I stood up and that's the last thing I remember before waking up on the floor." he said.

"Well boys I have good news, the owner of Weber's we were going to do the photo shoot just called. Some thing with a emergency, so you'll don't have to go. That means that you are free to go to the bus the rest of the day.
And Louis, I really think that you should just try and get some sleep and rest, the rest of the day." Paul said.

We smiled gratefully back at him, an afternoon and evening for our selves did sound good after all the work we did over the last few weeks. Our schedule wasn't exactly ideal.

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