Larry parents dentist appointment - Request

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a/n here is the long waited request :p I did my best, hope that it's okay. <3

I've never had any wisdom teeth removed or had an cavity. So some stuff can may be incorrect.
So sorry xx

Louis - papa
Harry - daddy
Liam - 16 years old
Niall - 8 years old

If you have any ideas, you can just comment them down.

Harry POV

Today was the day that I've been certainly not looking forwards to, the dentist.
Both our kids hated to go there, I mean who wouldn't? I know that Lou wasn't really fond of them either but he always put on a brave face for the kids.

Both li and Ni were complaining about a toothache for the past couple off days so I made immediately an appointment, we were due anyways.

"Lou come on Babe, you gotta wake up, you know what kind of day it is today, and I need your help to get them ready and out of bed. " I said quietly.
Louis cracked an eye open, looking sleepily at me,
"Yeah Alright,  be up in like 5 minutes"
"Sure"  I said while climbing out of bed, going downstairs to make breakfast for both boys.

Walking back up the stairs, seeing Louis slip into Liam his room, so I went to Niall.
"Bub, time to wake up" I whispers soothing.
Niall openend his eyes, whining a little.
"I know it's early, but we gotta be on time Yeah."
Niall simply made grabby hands to be picked up.

Coming downstairs with Niall in my arms, seeing Liam already eating, and Louis making himself a tea.


Walking into the big white building, holding hands with Niall, Louis and Liam walking behind us.
I could see that Niall was nervous, his lower lip drawing between his teeth, a nervous habit he has, that were still trying to break.
Liam was just mindlessly tapping his foot on the floor.

"Family of styles-Tomlinson" someone asked, we all stood up and walked behind him.
We all shook hands before he asked who is going first.
"Can I?" Liam asked quietly.
"Sure bud, it will be okay" I said, watching him take place in the dentist chair.

"Any pains lately?" He asked.
"Uhm yeah a bit" Liam answered.
"Okay let's have a look, see if we can find the source."

"Allright, your wisdom teeth on your left side needs removal, but other than that, your in the clear." He said, while the chair was going back up.
Liam looked scared at us, this all being very new to him.
Louis walked over to him, seeing as Niall was still sitting on my lap, almost close to tears already.
Louis gave him a quick hug telling him that it was going to be okay, and to make a appointment for it, he has to come back in 4 days for the removal.

Niall was next but of course he didn't wanna anymore. He was full on crying and sobbing now, when I sat him in the chair.
"Please bub, it's okay, only looking yeah, I promised"

I didn't went smooth at all, not when de dentist told us that Niall had 2 cavities who needed filling, and that it was smart to make a appointment by the orthodontist for braces.

We agreed to do the fillings immediately, so it could be over for him. Niall didn't agree though, shaking his head away every time the dentist came close to numb him.
I held his body still at one point so the job could be done till he was numbed up. He was just crying silent tears by then, not really having any energy left anymore. I still held his hand the whole way trough, smiling sympathetically at him.

It wasn't fun to have cavities filled, especially not if your only 8 years old.

I picked him back up when it was done, hiding his face in my shoulder, hugging me tight.

Louis was next and I could see that he was nervous now too after this whole thing. His blue eyes were scanning everything, he went to sit down for the check up and luckily nothing was wrong.
Hearing a relieved sight from him.

I knew that I was next, I handed niall over to Lou but he immediately started crying and making hands to me.
"I'll be back in sec bub" I promised him.
He was only shaking his head and trying to wiggle his grip free from Louis.
"Ni listen, they have to check me too, than I will be back for a big cuddle okay"

Luckily I also had nothing wrong. We left not short after, with two appointments sorted out.
One for Liam and one for the orthodontist for Niall.


Liam was eating soft foods for a good few days now, seeing that his wisdom teeth was removed. It was healing well so that was good. He even claimed that he was more nervous than he had to be surprising.

Today was also the day that Niall had to go to his appointment to get his braces.
Of course their was a big fuzz again before we finally arrived at the Centre.

A kind looking women greeted us and told us where to go.
The lady who was going to place the braces was telling the whole thing trough with Niall. Every little detail from the procedure was talked about.
I could see that it helped a little with nerves for him.

The brackets were placed carefully, he would only get them only at his top teeth today, in 3 months he would get his brackets on his under teeth.
(a/n I had it done this way, don't know if that's always the case)

"Okay so they usually start to hurt this evening, I recommend eating soft foods, and then eventually going back to eating normally. He can't really eat really hard things anymore or really sticky things." She said following by "I will teach you know how to brush you teeth correctly and how to clean in between the brackets"

And that's what she did, and she was right. The pain kicked in during the early hours of the evening.
So we decided to hold up a movie evening together again as a family.
Niall was sat in between me and Lou on the couch, seeing as Niall was searching for comfort.
Liam was sitting in the nearby lounge chair on the left side of the couch.

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