Louis Appendicitis

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it's been a long time wow I apologize.

Been busy working on the farm and and of course on my other story's. :)

Will hopefully update this more frequently from now on? This book really helps to let go of the pressure.

So again, a big sorry <3
Enjoy this longer one as a even bigger sorry lmao
P.s we hit the 4K which is so awesome, thank you all so much


3rd person POV

It was a normal Wednesday, Louis had been getting some stomach pains lately but just put it off on a bug that was going around the four of them. Harry was sick only days ago. So he just figured that he had the same thing. No need to worry more about it.

Hé didn't want to cause a unnecessarily scene about it. So he he held it to himself. Despite the others worrying about him. He wasn't his cheeky and sassy self the past few days. Liam frequently asked what was wrong, Louis just shrugged him off and told him he was tired.

They all knew that he was lying, he have been going to bed early even. The biggest question they just couldn't figure out yet was why he would lie.

They were eating breakfast and Louis absolutely hated this part of the day for the past few days. His appetite was almost gone to non existent.

"Wont you eat tommo?" A worried Liam asked, his eyebrows crinkled together in concern. "Nah not really hungry right now" Louis casually replied and went back to texting his sisters on the phone. "You must be hungry though, you hadn't eaten much last night to" Harry pointed out. Louis rolled his eyes and answered the same thing 'jus not really hungry'.
Even Niall looked concerned at Louis' behavior change. "Everything alright?" Liam asked, gesturing to the phone. "Yeah just texting my sisters, they miss me a lot right now." Louis replied. "Alright, Well let us know if anything gets worse or so" Liam replied, still looking at Louis with concerned eyes, nibbling on his own peace of toast.

Paul came to get them for rehearsals for the show that they had that night. Normally Louis would be all over the place, misbehaving. But today not, he was really listening to what the choreographer had to say and what he had to do at what time in the song.

The lads let it slide thinking that he just had a off day. Everyone had a off day once in a while right?

It was about time to start the concert and to say that Louis was non exited was understandable. His stomach pains hadn't stopped and only increased. He even began to feel nauseous. He overal just felt sick.

"Ready lads" Harry asked looking around. "Yeahhh" Niall shouted, hyper with new energy. "Of course haz, we're going to rock this night again" Liam said, encouraging. Louis stayed silent. "Not awake yet tommo?" Niall yelled in his direction. "Not really, and certainly not if you keep shouting like that" Louis answered grimacing. Putting a hand on his stomach on a attempt to stop the non stop swirling.

"You have a stomach ache?" Liam asked. Louis gave Liam a annoyed look because of course Liam would be the first one to say anything about it or notice it. The rest of the lads already went with the crew to the stage.
"I'm fine Liam, leave me alone" Louis said angrily. Liam didn't say anything after that. He would just keep a eye on his bandmate who was clearly not fine at all.

The concert went unexpectedly okay. No major accident happen. Louis didn't feel his stomach that much during the performance of their songs. The adrenaline really helped with it all.

Backstage he was sitting on the couch when a stabbing pain erupted trough his stomach. Before it were just stomach cramps not pains. He let out a small gasp, his arms flying to cover his stomach. Bending over slightly. The other lads looked at him with concern.

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