Lair Lair

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Still Straykids

They were confused by the fact they see they're bestfriend crying.

Han:lee is everything okay why are y......,he was cut off by hyunjin.

Hyunjin:lee stop crying I want answers where is y/n!!!,he said in screaming voice all the members was quite.Lee stopped crying and wipes he's tears.

Lee know:I need to tell you something come sit first,he said pointing softly at the chair which hyunjin won't he stopped the members from sitting.

Hyunjin:no not now I want the god damn answers lee,he run to lee and grab his shirt.

Lee know:fine...i..will,he sign and begin to tell,and hyunjin walk away from him to talk.

Lee can see I don't live with my parents because.....i

Straykids: because of what!!

Lee know: because I have my own business as a mafia and so is bts,he said and there was silent the members widen of what he said.,hes voice start cracking he wanted to cry.

Hyunjin:mmm interneting but I don't give a damn what you are in I want answer of y/n!,he touched his temples from stressing.

Lee know:y/ kidnapped by bts.

Straykids:what the fuck!!are you serious!

Hyunjin:guys we are leaving I don't want to be friends with a god damn lair let's move,he didn't even look back wish they all stopped when they heard him talking.

Lee know:no don't please I beg you I had a good reason why I didn't tell you guys please I have a good reason why if you can just hear me out for y/n's sake,he sign and looked down.Hyunjin look at him and them at the members.

Hyunjin:fine I'll for y/n,he sign and walk to him so did the members.

Lee know:as I was saying y/n has been kidnapped and bts are bad people they tired even to kill me and we need to save y/n and I need your guys help and I want you guys to be apart of my mafia gang I can't do this alone bts will kill her I can't let that happen do want her to,he was cut off by felix.

Felix:yes I'll do anything for y/n and I want to kill bts myself because of kidnapping her I'm in,he said straight forward all the members looked at him.

Hyunjin:what you really believe him what if he's lying huh he already lied for how many years that his a mafia,and he glare at lee.

Han:he's right I'm in too.

Hyunjin:what you to.

Han:no you listen don't you want y/n back huh do want her to see getting hurt and ain't you mad at bts for what they did,he said with a sad tone.Hyunjin was surprised and looked at the ground and look at the members then to lee.

Hyunjin:okay so you all right,he said looking at the members.

Straykids:yes we are in(expect for lee and hyunjin)

Hyunjin:okay what will we have to do boss,he said with small smile which lee nod and smile to.

Lee know:okay I want you guys to stay at my place there is enough rooms and the next thing is I want to train you guys for fighting and how to shoot and other stuff to,he looked at them all.

Hyunjin:yes that's no problem we well leave now and pack our things,they all left and but felix was left behind.Felix got closer to lee but not far from each other he put his hands in his Jean pockets.

Felix:I know you hide this from us...but I feel something is wrong why would bts do this they were so nice when we met them are you sure it's bts and the another thing,he got closer,if this is all a lie I well kill you myself okay,he said with a dark tone which lee was laughing nervously.

Lee know:what no...I'm telling the truth I won't lie to you guys.

Felix:bro I'm just joking,he fake smile and laughed.Which shock lee.

Lee knoe:oh you got me there a little,he laughed nervously.

Felix:okay I'll take my leave now we will talk later bye,he said and walk outside.

Felix's mind:mmm is he lying or is he letting the truth but something is off i can feel it,or maybe not ugh whatever.He walked to his members.

Lee Know's Pov

I'm so glad they believed me that was easy then he thought he was back to reality when his bodyguard camed in.

Bodyguard:sir what I can do for you today,he said looking at lee.

Lee know:well I was thinking we need backup send day 5 we will need them he said with a smirk.

To be continued

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