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you and your friends drank and ate before the time came for them to leave

you-imma go shower and sleep early if that's alright

tai-yeah, take all the time you need baby
tai kissed your forehead

you-that means you have to leave

tai-what if you faint or pass out again

you said holding his face

you-i feel fine, i'll call you if i need you alright

he sighed
tai-ok guys my house it is

you saw felix's car pull up as your friends left the house felix walked up to the door pushing it open

you-hey just come in let me clean up quickly

felix-dakota, i'll clean up. i dint wnat you passing out again from moving around too much

you looked over at rome that lay in his arms staring around the room as you took him and sat on the couch

you-hey rome

you said before the baby took your finger in his hand chomping on it

you-teething i see

rome made bubbles against your hand making you giggle

you-you are so pretty arent you, just like daddy

you-big green eyes, dark hair

you heard felix's footsteps behind you before his hand fell over your shoulders fixing rome's shirt

you held fell into felix's as he gazed at you both

felix-he has toys for that you know, he doesn't have to eat your finger

you chuckled
you-but it's just so cute
you whispered staring at rome eat your finger

you giggled raging your hand in his mouth as he giggled

you-again ready?

he giggled and you pulled he bit down holding your hand

you smiled feelings felix's hand squeeze yours as his thumb rubbing gently off your hand

you-arent you busy im babysitting you can go do you stuff
you said lying down with rome on your chest as felix stared

felix-i think im gonna stay, i'll work later. he'll probably wake up crying anyway

you-yeah you can stay if you want too
you said looking back at rome

you-hey your dribbling all over dakota
you said pulling his bib down cleaning his mouth up

you-much better
you smiled

you-should we see what toys you have?

felix sat on the couch putting your legs onto his lap as his finger tips gently ran up and down your legs

you grabbed a blue ring that was rubber, a teething toy

you-this one

you asked as rome glanced at it still chopping your hand

you-okay thats a no

you reached back into the bag grabbing a giraffe and shook it infront of him as it made a rattle sound his eyes light up

you-you want this one

his hand reached out taking it from your hands as you giggled he shook his hand as the giraffe made a sound

you-can i have my finger back look you cna have two

you said sliding your finger out his mouth sliding the ring into it as he bit down on the cold ring

you-see, that's better than my finger
you smiled before he spat it out felix laughed

you-no it's not funny he wants to eat my finger

felix giggled
felix-then let him, he only has gums it cant hurt that much

you-after a while it does
you said resting rome on your propped up legs his head on your thighs as you stared at his little body

you-who put this on you today it's very pretty
you said pulling on his little white jumpsuit

you-did mommy do it? or did daddy change you to look all nice and pretty
you said knowing you sae him in a blue shirt earlier

felix-daddy did, he leaked through his blue one

you giggled
you-white looks better
you said looking over to felix

he smiled at you sliding down the chair staring at you

felix-i cant believe were done
he said sliding his hand up your leg

you-me either
you said glancing back to rome who stared wide eyed at you

felix-he likes you

you-you think so?

felix-well his not crying and his eyes haven't left you so yeah

you chuckled

you-wanna go to daddy?
you asked rome lifting him up as you went over to felix sitting beside him resting your head on his chest as you put rome on his lap he began to cry

you-dont cry rome
you said pulling the giraffe teddy bear as he stared at you

you-no tears
you said as felix put his hand on your head rubbing gently

felix-how are you feeling

you-like ive had a horrible headache for 5 days but holding in there
you replied

felix rubbed his thumb off your temple relaxing you

you hummed lying on him

felix-that feel good?
he asked

you-yeah, really good
you said seeing rome not crying anymore

felix-he wont stop crying when miracle touches him


felix-mhm, that's why i was so shocked when he let you touch him and didnt cry

felix-ive basically held him all week and miracles fucked off on dates
he said irritated

you-you need to talk to her about it, your not just some guy who gets to take care of the baby. it's a fair 50, 50 effort to take care of him

you looked up at felix who already looked down at you

you-maybe her child would like her if she was actually around
you said making him laugh

felix-i agree
he said almost analysing your features

his phone began to ring as he lifted it up answering it

probably miracle

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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