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your eyes glanced over to ajay who sat in a chair wiping her tears

you-look at you, crying over me

ajay-you were dead, give me a break
you chuckled as she grabbed your hand rubbing it gently before looking down confused

tai looked insanely tired as your dad lay asleep in the chair

you glanced up at the clock

you-go home tai, take my dad with you

tai-but i-

you-go, ive got micheal and ajay
you smiled

tai nodded giving in and waking your dad up leaving the room with him

ajay-im confused
she said looking at the ring as everybody glanced down at it

you-give us a minute?
you asked micheal

micheal-oh shut up im staying i know all about the felix shit. why you so surprised by the ring ajay

ajay-becuase she wasnt wearing it the entire week. felix ended things with her becuase his got his kid and all that

you-he wanted me to have it and i babysit

ajay-you what!

micheal-you babysit his kid!?

you-shh, yes. have you saw little rome. his adorable

ajay-ur kidding me. you get to babysit his kid!

you chuckled
you-his a busy guy and miracle keeping fucking off to go date guys so yes i babysit his kid

micheal-wait so ur saying that even tho miracle and felix are the parents they're not even dating again?

you-no, miracle loves him i know she does but he loves somebody else so she's trying to distract herself with all these random guys leaving felix alone with rome

you saw somebody walk down the hallway and glance into your room

you said looking over at him before he walked in

felix-you two already know and i dont care she almost died

ajay-she did die
ajay said before felix hugged you

you chuckled
you-i see miracle has finally came into mom mode

felix-no shes fucking some guy

you-so where's rome?

felix-in the little play area down the hall

you chuckled feeling his lips gently kiss your neck

you held onto him pretending to hug and the others were convinced but you two both knew he was kissing your neck

you-can you go get rome?

felix-ive came to see you becuase you died and came back to life but your asking to see my kid?

you giggled as he pulled away
felix-i'll be back
he sighed walking out the room

ajay-wow the tension between you two

micheal-should we leave?

you chuckled
you-come by tommorow
you smiled to mike and he nodded hugging you once more

he whispered walking out the room as felix wntired holding rome he sat down in the chair beside you

felix-here he is
felix said sitting him on his knee bouncing it lightly as rome stared up at you

you giggled putting your hand out as he grabbed your finger staring at all the tubes on your hand

ajay-his adorable
ajay said staring at him

ajay-well im gonna go and get some sleep and i'll see you for lunch tomorrow
she smiled kissing your hand giving you a little wave closing the door behind her

felix sighed sliding down the seat
felix-do you know how stressful that was?

you chuckled
you-sorry, you came at the wrong time

felix-after she called me crying saying you were dead i practically zoomed here. i didn't care who saw me

he admitted staring at you

felix-you were dead
he whispered tearing up

you-dont you dare cry, look at me felix im alive
you smiled watching rome play with your ring

felix-daddy got her that, do you like it rome?
he asked as rome giggled

felix-yeah, should i get her another one?

rome started talking nonsense making felix smile and shower him in kisses

you-your an amazing dad

he looked up at you with his head on rome's shoulder

felix-you think so?

you nodded lying down
you smiled before the doctor walked in

doctor-i know you almost died but its after visiting hours im sorry

felix-our kid hasnt stopped crying and i got here 2 minutes ago, please let me see her
he said looking up at the doctor as she stared down at the baby quiet and sighed

doctor-i leave in 15, you leave then aswell
she nodded as you glanced up at the clock
it was 2:45

felix-thank you
felix said as the doctor closed the door behind her

you-our kid

felix-i wish it was ours
he chuckled

felix-instead im stuck with a woman who wont stop fucking random men and abandoning her child

you-your child, you take more care of him thank she does
you smiled as he leant over the bed kissing your lips

he whispered before you kissed once more rome made a laugh sound like he was trying to talk

felix-what buddy, what you trying to say
felix asked lifting him up as he looked down at him you watched them

rome began to make sounds again and felix nodded

felix-yeah you think so? me too

you giggled

felix-he said he think you should be his mommy
felix lied looking over to you making you smile

you watched him sit rome on his lap facing you

rome's hands grabbed felix's fingers as he chopped on one playing with the ring on the other

felix-this got a thing for rings
he chuckled glancing up to stare at you

you-i love you
you blurted out not meaning to say it and quickly covered your face as felix chuckled

you-i didnt mean to say that, i know we arent together anymore-

felix-i love you more
he replied staring at you as you took your hands off your face blushing red

you-thanks, now i wont sleep

the clock struck 3am as his phone rang

felix-well, you could dream about me
he winked making you roll your eyes

felix-you know you want too
he added kissing your lips before sighing answering his phone

felix-felix speaking what do you want

miracle-where the fuck are you?

miracle again.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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