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you pushed rome off and he cried again

felix-ugh rome please stop crying
felix said stopping at the door to you

he closed the door behind him seeing you

you-ready your messages dumbass
you said seeing him naked

felix glanced down at himself

felix-im sorry
he spat out seeing rome trying to suck again

felix took him from you

felix-thats not mommy, you hungry huh bud

he cried looking at felix

felix-um, stay here
felix said leaving the room and going into his bedroom

ain't no way im staying. he fucked her
wtf is wrong with him?
oh shut up dakota, you cant be mad he has a kid with her.

you stood against the couch just being able to see miracle naked too as rome lay on her sucking her boob

miracle-woah where you going?
she asked him as he got dressed

felix-to make breakfast, i dont want to be naked you know

miravle-do you not want ot suck the other one, you used to love doing that
she teased running her hand down his chest

i cant watch anymore.

you quickly and quietly made your way to the stairs as felix walked out his room seeing you

he whispered following you downstairs

you-dont fucking touch me, have fun with her
you said slamming his door on his face and getting into ivan's car


you-fucking drive ivan
you said closing his car door

you glanced over at him

you-on second thought
you whispered knowing felix was still watching as you pulled ivan in to kiss you

your tounge slipped off his before you pulled your shorts off climbing onto his lap

he chuckled looking down
ivan-car sex with stitches?

you-it'll hurt but i dont care
you said kissing his lips over and over and he unbuttoned your shirt throwing it into the passenger seat

he slid his seat as far back as it could go and spread his legs unbuckling his belt as you stared

you-come on ivan

ivan-be paitent
he said as you ripped his underwear down he pushed yours aside rubbing you gently

you threw your head back moaning

you-cant i just have you

ivan-i need to know if this hurts your stitches first becuase the last thing i wanna do is hurt yo-

you cut him off by sliding onto his dick throwing your head back seeing felix staring

you began to move as your stitches pulled off your skin painfully you screamed

you-youve gotta move i cant
you panted looking down at him

ivan-you can i'll hold them
he said squeezing his hand on your stitches holding it together as you began to bounce tears streamed down your face

ivan-so pretty for me
he siad wiping one of your mascara stain away with his thumb

you-it hurts so bad but it's so worth it
you said already feeling close

you pushed his chair back as he fell back on it grabbing your face in a kiss with his lips you continued to move against him before your phone rang

you glanced over seeing it light up with tai's contact

you locked your phone cutting the call off and turning it over moving into ivan

ivan-curting your boyfriend off is a dangerous move

you-usually i would answer but ive got stitches i wont be able to make a word without sounding like this
maons and screams clashed together making ivan chuckled and help you out a little as he moved into you

you-im close
you said before his hands pressed on lower stomach he trusted slowly into you

you moaned painfully staring at him

you-are you trying to kill me ivan

he chuckled
ivan-that knot getting tighter?
he asked seeing you drip

you said moaning loudly throwing your head back as he took spoke strokes moaning too

ivan-it feels so good
he moaned before shooting into you, you came straight on him gasping and panting

you glanced down at your stitches as they began to bleed a little

you-i'll be back
you said sliding your underwear on

ivan-your gonna go back into that house half naked?

you-trust me, they wouldnt mind
you said getting out the car going inside and to the closet batheoom grunting in pain

you gasped placing water on your stitches cleaning the blood off

felix-im not surprised their bleeding
you heard felix whispered stood beside you

he lifted you onto the counter as your head hit the wall he washed the blood off the tightening the stitches himself so they would stay secure and do the job of healing your wound

each pull you would scores loudly agianst his hand as he looked up at you, you nodded when he could go

and by the end you were all cleaned up but in pain still

he let go of your mouth looking up at you

felix-im sorry

you-if you were sorry you wouldnt of done it, you wouldn't of fucked her

felix glanced over hearing miracle

miracle-hey i thought you were making breakfast
she said

felix-i was im just cleaning myself up it's all cooked
he smiled at her as she leant in kissing his lips right infront of your face

miracle-you missed out on your chance you know

felix-mm did i
he said looking back over to you as you pushed him off

you-dont fucking talk to me ever again
you whispered glancing over to see miracle sit down you made a run for it downstairs

miracle-why didnt you take your chance?

felix-wouldnt want to take all rome's breakfast

miracle giggled as you shut the door quietly behind you sliding into ivan's car throwing your shirt over you biker shorts following

ivan-they were bleeding werent they

you-how did you know

he lifted his shirt with a blood stain on it

ivan-my shirt
he whispered driving off

sorry if there are any spelling mistakew

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