chapter 3// bullshit

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Y/n walked around and saw that there was a corner with books and beanbags. He grabbed a book and sat down. He didn't like reading the most but this book was quite interesting. After a few days he had already finished the book. Y/n looked at the author and started reading all her books. After about a month he had already read 6 of her books. He was reading his 7th book when a young boy came up to him. "Hey, you're the new one, right?" the boy said. "No, I've been here for a month and in the meantime several kids have joined us" y/n answered without taking his eyes off the book. "Why are you only reading books, books are boring" said the boy. " No, in fact books are fun" y/n said. "Why don't you come and play with the other children?" the boy asked. "Because I don't feel like dealing with annoying kids like you" y/n said but now he was looking at the boy. The boy was shocked and ran away crying.

Inside, y/n busted out laughing. Because the face the boy pulled was quite funny. He continued reading quietly when he heard the boy come back but this time he heard there was someone else. He looked up to see if it wasn't an employee but it was another boy. An older boy than the little boy who was crying but younger than y/n.

"Did she make you cry" y/n heard the older boy say, laughing. He hadn't talked to anyone in so long that he had forgotten how much he hated 'she' and 'her' and 'lady'. It simply didn't fit him.

"Hey you there" said the older boy. Y/n rolled his eyes and continued reading. "Don't ignore me!" the older one said, a little irritated. "Shut up, I'm trying to read" y/n hissed and continued reading. "Why was henry crying?" the older boy asked angrily. "How the hell should I know I can't see inside his head" y/n said. "According to him you made him cry" the older boy said. "Okay, I don't care" y/n replied.

The older boy stamped his foot on the ground and walked away with the little boy crying behind him. After less than 5 minutes y/n heard someone approaching again. Without looking up y/n said "just let me read my book in peace".

"No" he heard an adult voice say. He looked up and saw an employee. "Because?" he asked irritated. "Because you can go to the director" the employee said. " Bullshit" y/n said as he stood up. "What?" the employee asked. Y/n rolled his eyes. "Nothing" he said and put the book under the beanbag. The employee grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the director's office.

Y/n walked in and sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. This was the way he had never pictured an orphanage. He had pictured it terribly but not like a school with you have to go to the director shit.

The director walked in and sat down across from him. "So you made henry cry" the man said threateningly. "No" y/n replied. "Then why was he crying?" asked the director. "I don't know, I looked at him and he ran away crying" y/n said. "So you did make him cry" the director said. "No, I just looked at him" y/n said. "You could have gotten away with this but if you want it this way. You can't read for the rest of the week" the director said.

"Fine" y/n said and stood up. He walked away to the equipment table. He grabbed a phone and earbuds and walked over to his bed. It was truly a miracle that there was a phone free. Now he could finally listen to cavetown again.

But that didn't last long either because after a few days he had to come back to the director and now he wasn't allowed to go to the equipment table for the rest of the year. So back to reading. But after fucking 3 hours of reading he had to come back to the director and now he wasn't allowed to read a book for the rest of the year either. And it's fucking June.

Complete bullshit, because now he had nothing to do. Because talking to those other kids he wasn't going to do. You know what, fuck that director he's just going to read. He walked over to the reading corner and grabbed the book he was reading. He took it to his bed and started reading on his bed. Less comfortable but no children are allowed here because you are only allowed here when you go to sleep.

He heard footsteps approaching again but he didn't care anymore. Even if they lock him up for the rest of the year. Al he's going to do something else it's still going to happen. He heard the footsteps stop in front of his bed and he looked up.

//857 words//

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