chapter 17// hiding

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"Where do you think she could be?" wilbur asks. He, sam and y/n are in wilbur's room. "No idea, that bitch so could be anywhere. She could be in a store getting ready right now or she could be standing in front of the door right now. You never know with the woman" y/n said.

"What could she be up to now?" said wilbur as he picked up his guitar. "It could be anything, the only thing I know is that it's going to be a much better thought out plan. She's already taken three years to do it by now" y/n said and continued playing with sam's hair. "Do you really think she spent her entire prison time coming up with a plan?" wilbur asked. "I don't think so, I'm sure. I lived with my mother for fourteen years and when she wants something she doesn't wait. She comes up with a plan and when the plan is ready she immediately executes it" y/n said.

Sam looked up from their book and said "then isn't it better that we start preparing instead of sitting here and doing nothing". "Phil and your mother are already making preparations. There are cameras everywhere, tommy has set up the furniture so that you can turn and hide behind them very easily and all the doors and windows have double locks and some even triple locks" wilbur replied. Sam nodded and continued reading.

Everyone was asleep when suddenly they heard a loud bang. Y/n and sam immediately got up and went to see what was going on hoping it wasn't y/n's mother. But unfortunately it was y/n's mother. And it was even worse than they expected.

The others also came to look and also saw the disturbed woman standing in the doorway. Her hair stood like a bird's nest on her head with some bald spots here and there. She still had her orange prison suit on and you could see she had weapons in her pockets.

Wilbur tapped y/n's shoulder and said "your mom is lowkey hot". "Funny, but not the right time" y/n said head shaking. "Where are you d/n [last name]!" y/n's mother yelled. Everyone hid themselves and y/n and sam sat together behind a couch that was up against the wall where it was impossible to be seen except if you shifted the couch.

Every time she walked by, y/n and sam held their breath. Her footsteps sounded like an elephant was walking by and you could hear her breath like a bull was walking by. She was screaming and throwing stuff but no one moved.

Y/n's mother threw a knife towards y/n and sam (without knowing of course) which flew right past sam's head. Sam was spooked and gasping for breath. They quickly put their hands over their mouth. Y/n saw that sam was terrified so he grabbed sam. Sam pushed their heads into y/n's chest. They both squeezed their eyes shut hoping y/n's mother had not heard sam. After two hours of searching y/n's mother was done with it and yelled "It's not funny now! Come out my princess! Otherwise I'm going to shoot everyone you love one by one, starting with that girlfriend of yours!". And she fired a shot to let them know she really meant it.

Sam was scared and y/n grabbed them. Y/n was rubbing circles on sam's back while they were crying quietly into his shoulder. Y/n saw that his phone lying by him lit up and he looked to see what it said. It was a message from phil telling him not to show him to his mother, that she had been looking for them for two hours and she wasn't going to suddenly find them.

"I'm really done with this now d/n! Show! Yourself!!!" y/n's mother yelled and she fired three more shots. Sam dried their tears and gave y/n a peck on the mouth. Sam crawled out from behind the couch to y/n's room. Y/n wanted to crawl after them but then his mother came. He waited until she was gone and then crawled after sam.

Sam just crawled back out of the room and y/n got up and ran into his room to see what sam had done. He saw that there was a letter on his desk and read it as fast as he could.

Hey everyone,
Please know that I love you all (especially y/n) and that I am very grateful to all of you for these wonderful moments together. Mom: I love you so much and I really couldn't wish for a better mom. Please know that I am extremely grateful to you and that I would always remember and love you. Phil and the boys: thank you for all the good times, the fun outings and for being the best brothers-in-law and father-in-law in the world. And y/n: I love you the most. You helped me through dark times and you always had your way of making me laugh. Know that you will always be my pretty boy and that I will always be your sammy. Make our future plans come true for me and I love you with my whole heart<3. I am going to y/n's mom now to surrender so you guys can go away. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
xx sam

Y/n was reading it with tears in his eyes. He was definitely not going to let this happen. He quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote:

That's definitely not going to happen. I will surrender so nothing happens to sam. I love you all<3

Y/n ran out of his room looking for sam when he heard them talking. "Hey ma'am, I think you're looking for me. Cause you're never gonna get my boyfriend!" sam said. Techno slowly came crawling up. "What are they doing?" he asked quietly. "No idea, but I'm going to stop it" y/n replied.


//1028 words//

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