74 - The Strange Discovery - @angerbda - CarrotPunk

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The Strange Discovery

A Carrot Punk story by angerbda

"... will be known as the discovery of the century. Even more, of the millennia!"

This emphatic declaration came from the centre of the row. A scrawny form, short tendrils of a deep green sprouting at the top.

"Turnip compost!"

Under the orange haze of the sky, many voices raised on various location of the field. Here and there sarcastic exclamations laughed at the lecturer. From other places, strong, dynamic shouts of agreements for the thesis supported with enthusiasm the one who just finished the expose of the strange discovery.

"And now, maybe you also believe that the planet turns slower than it should? You've lost your mind, this time, Daucus!"

The scene was a strange display of rows upon rows of thin, long, orange shapes, firmly rooted on the ground. Each had a green lush protruding at the top.

There, in the middle of what looked like a flat expanse of sandy soil, giants carrots were arguing about a strange discovery. Some were of the opinion that it was just an hoax. Others believed firmly that with this revelation, the whole face of the World would be changed.

"I can no accept this theory, Daucus!" The one who had raised its doubt about the lecture sanity in certain flowery terms earlier voiced its scepticism. "You would want us to believe that the exploration team has uncovered a totally new species? And this one was supposed to have existed thousands of years ago? You've really lost it this time!"

"You are right, Sativus. This is what I want you to believe!" The young Daucus was enthusiast about the discovery, "but I didn't lose anything. I can pinpoint you to the location, and you will find the proof that you're all doubting."

Gazing at the group of yellow and purple cultivars in the periphery of the large assembly field, Daucus thought back to its initial reaction.

"Do you really think I didn't look into the facts really carefully?" Daucus asked the senior root. "I'm maybe wanting to leave my name in History, but I am no fool! Our exploration team is not known to plant doctored evidence!"

Sativus, the bigger root, older as the shrivelling of the dark green foliage on its top was a telltale sign, observed pensively the assembly.

"Let me get it straight. At the moment you only have the recordings from the exploration team," Sativus nodded toward the coloured roots on the side, "and you have confirmed with your own taproots the findings."

The explorations did not always provide precise results. In a world where the sentient species were rooted firmly into the ground, travelling took a special direction. The limitation of the plant structure was not total, however, it offered a certain freedom of movement. Via the extremities, the taproots deep in the ground and the foliage in open space. The ground route was explored by the extension of the long and thin stems. The soil nature was always a matter of luck, though in the region of the present assembly, the underground layer was mainly soft and sandy.

"How could your exploration team found any fossil in the ground? Too soft..."

Daucus shook its foliage in interruption. "There is a series of symmetrical caves near the dry sea. Tricky to burrow through the walls, but we found ways."

"Okay. So you will tell me that no one could have placed the fake remains you found them?" Sativus still doubting was trying to find a flow in the expose. "What about someone from the team?"

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