The Garage

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^^^ #0, Sid Wilson, DJ

Outside of school, one of the places these guys like to hangout is in one of their garages. They used to hangout in Joey, Jim, and Mick's garage, but their mother had complained about how loud they are, so now they usually hangout in Shawn's garage. They sat around talking and chilling, the main topic was about weirdos and assholes at school.

Sid: There was this kid who thought it would be a good idea to get some chapstick and eat it and play with it!

Paul: He actually ate it?

Sid: Yeah!

Jim: That's just gross.

Mick: Did he lose a bet?

Sid: Maybe, I don't really know.

Jim: Or it's for attention, kids are weird.

Joey: Y'know, I'm tired of those people who crowd the hallways when you're trying to go somewhere.

Shawn: Oh yeah, I hate those guys.

Craig: (nods)

Sid: I got in trouble for pushing one of them, such ignorant assholes!

Mick: The school system just sucks, it doesn't even teach us what we need to learn, huge waste of time.

Corey: It really is, and those teachers that hold you back after the bell rings, absolute bullshit!

Paul: And why don't they teach about problems we'll face in the future? If my tire deflates, I'm not gonna need calculus to fix it. Or taxes, I don't need to know the periodic table to do that.

Shawn: I heard that there are classes that actually teach important stuff, like health and shit, but I get what you're saying.

Corey: I'm skipping school tomorrow, who's in?

Jim: I would, but we've skipped so much, our mom would beat our asses if we did it again.

Chris: I can see her beating you and Joey's ass, but Mick? I don't see it.

Joey: She'd probably just ground him or something.

Mick: What would she ground me from?

Jim: I have no idea, you're already pretty isolated, so grounding you from us is a bit pointless.

Sid: Then we wouldn't be able to make music!

Jim: Damn, that's true...

Joey: What if she took away your guitar?

Mick: Ah, that would suck for sure.


Sid: I'm so fucking bored...

Shawn: I got some beer if you guys want some.

Corey: Oh fuck yeah!

Shawn gets up and goes to the refrigerator in the garage.

Sid: Beer or no beer, I'm still bored out of my fucking mind!

Chris: Then what do you want to do?

Sid: Something fun.

Corey: You wanna chase a squirrel or something?

Sid: Sounds more fun than sitting here and talking about school!

Shawn: (Passing around beer cans) Alright, how 'bout this... after we drink, we go out and look for a squirrel for you to chase.

Sid: Deal!


Sid: There's no fucking squirrels out here!

Jim: Lure one with an acorn.

Sid: ...there's no fucking acorns out here!

Paul: There's a dead bird over there

Shawn: For real?

Chris: Eww...

Shawn: (examining the carcass) It looks like this thing has decomposed on its own, it smells awful too.

Chris: Why the fuck are you smelling it?

Shawn: How can I not? My nose isn't even near the thing and it's strong!

Sid: There's nothing good out here... let's go to a zoo!

Jim: A zoo?

Chris: Why a zoo?

Sid: So we can see animals, idiot!

Shawn: I'm down.

Corey: Don't they cost a lot?

Craig: (shrugs)

Joey: I just know that their food is pricey.

Paul: A zoo shouldn't be so bad, and there's one not too far from here.


Corey: Those were less expensive than I thought.

Sid: Wow! Look at all of the animals!

Chris: So, where to first?

Mick: (looks at map and points to parts on the map) Should we just start here, go around here and back here?

Chris: That works.

Jim: There's an aviary up ahead.

Sid: Ooh!

Chris: That has birds...

Mick: You don't like birds?

Chris: Not one bit, and I'm still grossed out by that decomposing crow from earlier.

Jim: Alright, uh... oh! Over here! There's some wallabies and cassowaries!

Sid: Yeahhhh!


Sid: Joey look!

Joey: What?

Sid: (points at a baby wallaby) It's you! A Joey!

Joey: Haha, that's funny.

Jim: They're both small too!

Joey: (laughs) Shut up.

Mick: There's some more over here.


Shawn: What the fuck is a Kori Bustard?

Jim: It almost sounds like it's calling Corey a bastard.

Corey: Well, it's not wrong.

Paul: Where did Chris go?

Jim: Uhhh I don't know.

Sid: He's over there!

Corey: Chris! What are you doing over there?!

Chris: Keeping away from birds!

Shawn: It's not going to eat you or hurt you! I don't think it can even fly.

Chris: I'd like to see you say the same for a koala!

Shawn: Oh, fuck you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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