
220 7 0

May 1993, Ohio

And so Marcus and Jason went to the homewelcoming party the next week and now the day after Marc sat in his room listening to the Playlist in the present his mother gave him.

"Marc!" Jason called "Natasha's outside, come hang out with her for a while" He yells up the steps.

Marc groans and turns his lamp off to put his stuff on. "Okay!" Marc yells to his grandpa and slouches down the stairs, his grandfather pats his back as he walks out the door.

Jason closes the door right after he gets out and Marc jumps at the sudden sound.

Natasha starts laughing at him proving that she saw the whole thing "You did not see that" He says with his finger sticking up but chuckling a little bit.

"So your not a robot" She says with her arms crossed sarcastically and Marcus tolls his eyes. "No I'm not, are you a cheerleader?" She scoffs shakes her head dramatically.

"Where's your sister?" He asks "Chill she's only 4" She says shaking her head.

On que Yelena comes running outside to Natasha holding her leg with an iron grip. "Hi" She says shyly looking at Marcus, he was good with younger kids.

"Hi there, I'm Marcus" He says and Natasha's face turns into a confused look at the sudden change of tone.

"I-Im Yelena" She says poking out a bit from behind her sisters leg "That's a pretty name" He says and Yelena comes out from beside Natasha's leg "Thank you Marcus" She says and he laughs nodding his head while she goes back inside quickly after.

"So what exactly do you want?" Marcus asks in a change of tone wanting to go back in. "Jeez you were so nice to Yelena, why not me?" She asks. "She's a kid-" He says and Natasha scoffs "So are we, I'm only 8 you know?" She says with Marcus completely unfazed.

"I don't care, I have things to do" Marcus truly didn't care, all he wanted was his brother. "What stuff? Aren't you like 9 or something?" He rolls his eyes "10".

He gets up from off the porch and tries to open the door finding it locked. "Dammit" He whispers and Natasha laughs at the choice of words "You really don't want to hang out with me do you?" She says and Marcus thinks back to his grandfather's words "just try for me" he sighs and steps down from the porch.

"Fine, what do you wanna do?" When he says that her whole face lights up with excitement "Ice cream!" She says, her inner childness kicking in "I don't have any money" He says sighing. "Fine we can just go to the park, mom says I can ride my bike with you" she says and he shrugs "Okay fine" the two get on their bikes and ride around the neighborhood really just Natasha following him.

Marcus hears a scream of pain behind him and turns around to see Natasha on the floor, he rushes off his bike and to the level Natasha is on, her ankle is bruised and she cries but tries to hold it in noticing him "Hey, hey its okay I just need to look" he says softly. "What happened?" She cries out after another gush of pain barely being able to form words. "I got my ankle trapped in the chain and fell over" She pants out, Natasha hated being vulnerable infront of people.

"Okay, it's just bleeding a bit I'm gonna get you back there, you think you can get on my back?" He asks and she nods "But what about the bikes?" She asks not wanting him to lose his because of her "I'll figure it out" He says lifting her with surprisingly ease on his back.

She nods and lays her head on his shoulder while he walks back.

When they get back he lays her down in a chair on the porch and knocks on the door "Grandpa!" And with several knocks Jason opens the door "What Marc?" But he looks over and sees Natasha's dried tears with more slipping out "Oh no, what happened?" He says rushing over to her examining her ankle.

"She fell off the bike while we were going to the park" He says, he could even act that he was a bit worried. "I'll go get her parents" Marcus runs to Alexei and Melinas door sighing before knocking lightly.

Melina answers the door and frowns realizing somethings wrong "What happened Marcus?" She says worried and Alexei comes to the door "Natasha fell off her bike and her ankle is bleeding" He replies rubbing the back of his neck.

Both of them rush out the door as Marcus followed slowly, he felt a bit guilty if only he hadn't said yes to riding the bikes.

"How did she fall?" Melina asks looking at Natasha. "I got my leg stuck in the chain, Marcus was just trying to show me around it's my fault" She says giving Marcus slight smile, who was leaning on a pillar.

"Well I'm gonna head inside, hope you feel better" Marcus says and pats her shoulder walking into the house.

He spent the last few hours on research before he had to get ready for school, "Marc! Come here please" Jason asked and Marcus walked down the stairs. "Natasha is gonna go to your school,can you show her around? She starts next week" Jason said and Marcus sighs "Yeah, okay" He says and walks back up the stairs.


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