
479 22 21

[Warnings: Graphic details of murder, blood, and death]

Song recommendation:
Animal - Sir Chloe



Bathing in the scent of freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air, you skim through the case file that was placed against your desk earlier in the morning.

Now sitting in the cafeteria at 7:30 am, your mind spirals with different possibilities to crack the case. However, the screeching sound of the door opening quickly catches your attention.

Your eyes flit over to the incoming pair, a smile gracing your face at the familiarity. "Connie, Sasha. Good morning, you two."

"Ah, good morning, sugar," the boy states, a flirty smile stretching upon his face. You simply roll your eyes at the nickname, closing your file to stand up.

"Coffee?" you offer, making your way to the countertop. Sasha skips over to you with a beaming smile, and her energy to do so makes you simply question: how?

"You're the best!" she sings, Connie joining along with a ruffle to your hair.

"Alright, alright, go on and sit." You ponder for a moment before you narrow your eyes and face them. "Don't go through my file again."

They share looks, as if they had just been caught red handed, and take a few steps back. Sasha nervously chuckles and places her hands behind her back. "Whaaaat? We wouldn't do such a thing-"

"Armin literally told me it was you two who lost the documents."

Connie scoffs and turns around. "Told you we should've bribed him," he mumbles to Sasha.

The girl smacks the back of his head and turns to you with an innocent smile. "Oops?"

You keep an unimpressed expression, arms folded in silence. They both clear their throats and saunter back to the round table. "We're just gonna sit right here," Connie says, pulling out a chair opposite to the file neatly placed where you left it.

Nodding, you turn back around and focus on your task to serve them. They start their own conversation, throwing jokes back and forth, and you can't help but to chuckle at a few.

"Well, look who it is," you hear a voice call out, and your heart skips a beat. You don't turn around just yet to calm your sudden nerves. You could hear the greetings, the shuffling of feet, and the small chuckles.

Then, suddenly, a hand is placed against your shoulder.

"Well, hey there."

You gulp, your head slowly turning to face the brunette. "'Sup, Eren."

He lets out a breathy chuckle, going beside you to lean against the counter. "How long have you been here?" His eyes burn through yours, making your body feel hotter by the second.

"Not long," is all you say, grabbing a stack of cups to pour in.

"You were the first one here, weren't you?"

And you were caught.

If anything, you were known to always be the first person in the bureau to arrive earlier than everyone. That is, aside from Levi Ackerman, of course. The man would arrive before the building even opened. Regardless, the team knew of your actions, so it wasn't surprising when Eren figured you'd been here for hours.

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