New owner..

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Your P.O.V.

You hear a huge clash downstairs and you wake from you nap "M-master?" you yell "Are you okay?" "I'm fine kitty.. my sculpture just fell" you hear him say "Did I wake you?" He asks "N-no, I've been up" you say back

He calls you kitty... you already know why, because he always makes you wear a collar and you already have a cat tail because of you mom and ears that match your reddish hair. He pets you and that makes you happy, you think that he's the greatest master..... until today.

You get up and walk downstairs to see your master and this other man, he's younger than your master and he looks like he's your age. You get really shy and run to your master "Kitty, meet Kirito" You look at him and study him *Kirito is cute and young* you think, you get infront of your master. You put your hands together and you bow for him "Hello, Mr. Kirito" He looks at you weirdly.

"Kitty, this will be your new owner/master" your master says. You turn around quickly and ask "W-why a new master?" He doesn't answer you. "Go to your room and pack all of your things" he commands and you listen, "Yes master". You run upstairs and you start packing, then your door opens. "Hello, kitty" a deep voice says as you get shivers "Don't call me kitty" you snap "Call me by my real name, its Asuna"

"Yikes, kitty is snappy today" Kirito says "Don't be this snappy with me or you'll get punished" he says touching your tail making you yelp a little.

"Don't touch me" you say "I don't want you to be my new master but I have to command my old masters rules" he looks at you and grins. 'What is he thinking' you think to yourself as you finish packing.

You run downstairs with all of your things with a sad look on your face "I'll miss you master" you say hugging your old master "I'm sorry kitty but it's for the best but I'll miss you as well"


Ok guys so this is the first chapter of my new book. hope you enjoy and the next chapter will come soon
See you later my minions

Bye.. MC.. The writer

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