What should i do?

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Your P.O.V

You move in with your 'new owner' and you think it'll be good, you think he'll be like your old owner. He came into your room when you were unpacking your things "Do you like your room?" Kirito asked "Yes, I like it very much" you respond. He let you have a huge room, with a balcony and a huge bathroom.

"Come downstairs when your finished, dinner would be ready" he said leaving the room

"Yes, Mr.Kirito" you say going back to unpacking your things.

While you were unpacking, you found some pictures of you and your old owner. You put them up on your nightstand, then you were soon finished unpacking. You walked downstairs and saw that there was a lot of different types of foods on the table "Are you having friends over?" You asked "No, it's our dinner" he says pulling A chair out "Sit"

You sit down and he gives you a plate of food. "Thank you, Kirito" you say

"Call me master from now on, kitty" he says eating. "I told you not to call me kitty, I told you to call me by my real name" you snap. "Asuna, I'd rather call you kitty cause it's a cute name, it fits you" he says chewing. You look at him and you growl a bit. He looks at you "Are you disobeying me?" "N-no, Mr. Kirito"

"Go to your room, and like I said from now on call me master" he says in a demanding voice.

"Y-yes master, goodnight" you say running into your room, scared. He came in after an hour or so and pushed you on the bed, getting on top of you "M-master?" You say confused. He then kissed you and your eyes widen. You thought 'what should I do?!'


Ok guys the second chapter is now done!!! I hope you guys liked it and give it a thumbs up and please leave a comment. I'll see you later my minions

Bye.. MC.. The writer

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