What's going on?

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       You're out and about, doing some grocery shopping for master Kirito, getting everything you need for his big night with his company. As you're shopping, you see the cutest little dream catcher hanging from one of the stores's window and you give off this cute little smile. You call your master and he answers with a tired voice, yawning "yes my kitten?" You then quickly apologize "I'm so sorry master, I didn't mean to wake you. Do you want me to call back later?". You hear him groan a bit "no it's okay, what did you need" you then start to talk and talk about this beautiful dream catcher and he stops you mid sentence "do you really want it? You won't be able to request anything for a month" you quickly say yes and he approves of you getting it.

      A couple of hours later, you're finally heading home. As you're pulling into the driveway you see another car parked, you're starting to think to yourself 'no one should be over till later this evening.. who is this?'. You park the car and get everything out of it, heading off inside the house. You get in and you see master, talking to a beautiful young lady. You go to the kitchen and drop the stuff off, walking back to your master and standing beside him.

        "I didn't know you were home already" he says with a stutter, looking at you and rubbing his neck. "Well, I finished all the shopping for tonight early, so I can finally start cooking on time". You look over at the girl "who's this?" you say as you look back at your master. Kirito clears his throat "Asuna.. this is Aiko". The girl looks at you with a smile, putting out her hand for you to shake it. You look back at master Kirito "what is she doing here? The party isn't for another couple of hours" you say with a soft voice. He sighs and turns towards you "Asuna.. Aiko is going to be a part of this family. She's going to be another maid of mine" as he says this you can't help but to get mad.

      You just stand there, staring at him, not believing what he's said. You finally knock out of it and just walk off, heading up to your room. You're there for a bit, putting up the new dream catcher and you just stand there staring at the wall. Foot steps are heard coming up the stairs and you act as if you were changing. A somewhat loud knock was made against the door "c-come in" you say, changing your clothes. Kirito comes in and shuts the door behind him, sitting on your bed "what's going on Asuna, why are you acting like this?" He says with a somewhat mad look on his face.

      You bite your lip and finally say how you feel "why is she here? Why do you need another maid when you have me? Am I just not enough for you?" You say with an upset voice, somewhat yelling at him. He stands up and gives you a stern voice "do not yell at me kitty! Why do you think all of those things?" he says as he grabs your hand. "Because I was your maid, I'm the one that does things for you" he sighs and looks at you "please just trust me on this Asuna. Please" he says with a sad voice. You look at him and stand up straight "fine, I'll trust you. But if anything happens, I'm gone" you leave going downstairs.

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