The New Professor

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The winter break during his sons first year at hogwarts was the first time her name was ever mentioned.

"Hogwarts has gotten a new Professor this year." Draco told his parents while they ate dinner in the dining hall. "Professor Adler teaches Study Sessions."

"Study Sessions?" Narcissa asked over a bowl of soup. "I don't think we've had such a class in our years."

Lucius didn't pay much attention to the conversation. In fact he seemed to want nothing to do with it while he continued to eat.

"It's new." Draco explained, "Rumor has it Headmaster Dumbledore has made up a whole class just so she can teach. That's what the other years have been saying anyhow."

And just like that it caught Lucius's attention who looked up from his plate.

"A rumor, huh?" Lucius sat back in his chair now finding the conversation to his intrest.

Although Draco didn't say anything after his father's comment.

Narcissa brought up. "Does she teach well?"

"Yeah." He stirs the food on his plate with his fork. "She's nice too."

Leaning forward in his chair Lucius asked. "What did you say her name was again?"


Lucius hummed at the name trying to think if he can remember  it.

He knew almost every wizarding name in Europe. Mostly from work association, early school years or the many parties he has thrown or been invited to but never has he encountered an Adler.

At least not until Draco's second year.

It was the day of his son's quidditch game. Of course even with his house elf jinxing the Bludger Harry Potter still managed to catch the snitch.

After the game he caught up with his old friend Severus but while they had shared drinks and discussed matters of the Dark Lord someone interrupted with a knock.

"Annoying kids I tell you." Severus gets up to anwser the door but immediately blocks Lucius's view once he opened it slightly.

At first Lucius thought nothing of it but soon heard the faint voice of what sounded like a woman talking to Severus.

He almost wanted to get up from the chair he was leaning back on to greet whoever Severus had been talking to but before he could think on that Severus had quickly ended the small conversation and shut the door.

"Who was that?" He asks Severus who continued to stand by his door. "She sounds familiar."

Severus turned around almost immediately after his comment.

"Uh- nobody. I Mean, that was Professor Adler." Severus grabs the glass of iced down gin. "But anyways as we were saying-"

Lucius knew he was trying to change the subject.

By the look on his face Lucius could see how nervous Severus was at the mention of him asking about her. He had that anxious tone in his voice that made Lucius want to keep talking about this Professor Adler.

"She's the Study Sessions Professor here isn't she?" He asked Severus while he watched his face closely. "Draco talks about her. I should pay her a visit sometime to properly greet her."

The frown that was on the potions master's face seemed to remain the same at his words.

Instead of responding Severus reaches over his table to grab the bottle gin and poured himself more into the glass.

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