Chapter 12.7: 𝐷𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝐴𝑌 𝑆𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁

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Day Seven: Saturday (Last day!!!)

[y/n] POV:

ITS THE LAST DAYY!! FINALLY! Reki told me to meet up at the skatepark with Miya after school. Because of my new school schedule, we couldn't walk home together and I don't have as much time as usual to hang out with Reki, Langa and the rest, besides Miya of course. I can't wait to catch up with them after so long! Well it hasn't been thaaat long but it feels like it!

And that was all I could think about in school.

But I kinda regret spacing out cause when teacher asked me a question: "When did World War 2 start?" And I replied, "After school..." I snapped back to attention when I heard the whole class laughing. Even Miya was laughing! Damn it that was sooo embarrassing...

And thats why I left school without him :)

"Hey! [y/n]! Wait for me!" Miya was shouting as I skated of to the skatepark first. "Nope!" I shouted back as I stick out my tongue at him. He jumped on his skateboard as soon as he was out of school grounds and chased up with me. "Sheesh whats with you? Why didn't you wait for me?" He asked me when he was beside me. "Was my reply in class that funny?" I asked, annoyed. "Must you ask? No offence, but it was one of the best joke I have ever heard! WORLD WAR 2 IS STARTING RIGHT NOW!! BAHAHAHAHAHA"


Miya POV :

I was laughing so hard I almost fell of my board but I knew [y/n] was annoyed. What I didn't know is she was VERY annoyed. She turned around and skated of without me! "H-hey! [y/n]!" I shouted and tried to apologise.

We were already at the skatepark when I finally catched up to her. Damn she was fast! "[y/n]! Wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh so hard, it was just really funn- I-I mean" Nooo why did I say that?! "Hmph! You still can insult me when apologising!" "No! I wasn't! I'm really sorry... I won't laugh at you like that again!" "Finee..." she forgived me, thank gosh... I was feeling relieved until I heard "AWW YOU GUYS ARE SO CLOSE YOU ARE EVEN ARGUING NOW!!!"

Reki POV (I haven't writen him in sooo long!) :

Miya and [y/n] are fighting and they look soo cute! But still, it's nice to catch up with them after some time. "We- we're not!" [y/n] tried to deny that they were arguing but it was still quite obvious. "c'monnn tell me what you guys were arguing about!!" I pestered. "N-" "Sure, I'll tell you!" Miya interrupted [y/n]. "NO!" [y/n] tried to stop him but it was to late, Miya already started telling me and Langa (ofc he was there).

~After explaining what happened~

[Y/n] POV :

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Reki and Langa were laughing so hard, just like Miya! They are so irritating! "I was excited and couldn't stop thinking about meeting up after school, ok? Stop laughing!" I said. "We know, it's just- it's- hahahaha it's so funny!!!" Langa said as he TRIED to stop laughing but clearly failed to. "y-yeah, what he said" Reki barely finished his sentence before he started laughing hard again. He wasn't even trying to stop! Only Miya wasn't laughing, but I can still tell that he was trying really hard to hold in his laughter.

"Argh you guys are so annoying! Hmph!" I ran off and started skating. "Ok ok we'll stop." Reki said. But he was clearly still giggling. I started ignoring them.

The rest of the day was just apologies and ignoring and catching up and having fun until it was time to go home. We walked home together. Then Langa left, then we reached home, went home, did homework (I don't know if any of the boys did it but I did), watched TV and then sleep. :>


YAYY I FINISHED THE 7 DAY DATE! Well this one wasn't exactly a date but yeahh. Sorry if I disappointed any of you in any of the chapters 🥲.

Preview (abit more of a guess haha): ITS BEACH TIMEEE!!!

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