Chapter 19

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Hey y'all, if you can't tell I'm trying to finish my story on an even number, and I'm deciding that number is 20, that is why this chapter is longer than expected.

Also, I said I would continue the flashback in chapter 18 in this one, but it'll have to be in chapter 20 since it doesn't flow with what's going on in this one.

I really hope you enjoy the story, don't forget to vote and comment please 🥰


The doors to the daycare open with a loud creak, causing the silence of the pizzaplex to conclude. Gregory held his ears in immense pain until the silence commenced.

"Monty-" Gregory shrieked quietly as he walked away from the terrible situation. "I hope I never have to do that again..." he thought to himself.

He made his way down the long staircase and waved at Chica and Roxy as they walked in the opposite direction he was.

"Have you seen Bonnie?" Chica asked him, "me and Roxy were wanting to say hi."

Gregory thought carefully since Bonnie was probably still with Freddy doing who knows what, "wait, he's fixed??" Gregory questioned dramatically.

"Yeah! But don't worry, Monty just told us the news. So, Bonnie's probably still with Vanessa if none of us have seen him yet." Roxy guessed.

"Wait, where's Monty?" Gregory questioned rapidly, Chica asked the same question, but it was about Freddy instead.

"He's in his rockstar room." Roxy said being helpful, Gregory smiled at her and told a complete lie in between his grin,

"I haven't really seen Freddy, he's probably in the atrium...." Gregory hesitated, " bowl...?"

"He's done that lately..." Chica added, surprising Gregory. "Thanks!" she said, grabbing Roxy's arm to motion her to leave with her. Their backs were turned to Gregory and as they walked away, Gregory heard a bit more of their conversation before he headed into Monty's room, "I told him he needed to stop doing that."

"What do you mean?" Roxy interrogated, "why shouldn't Freddy be bowling?"

"The thoughts of Bonnie hurt him much more than you think Roxy..." Chica said sympathetically, "I just believe he shouldn't be in there since the memories hurt him so much."

"He probably occupies them with bowling." Roxy thought out loud, "and hey, maybe he's got better? Plus, since Bonnie's back now we won't have to worry about Freddy being sad."

Chica smiles and held Roxy's hand tighter, "maybe."

"Well, there's only one way to find out, let's go!" Roxy bounced with excitement as they began to run toward the atrium.

Gregory chuckles before entering Monty's room without a second thought. He stood at the entrance of the door, watching Monty tidy up his room.

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