Chapter 4

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Third pov

" W h o I s t h a t?"

Papyrus looked down to Claira and smiled happily, gripping her shoulders, moving her in front of him for sans to see.


" wait...what?"

Sans eyelights finally came back, his face went from worry to Confusion after being told what this females name was.


" ive never seen a female skeleton in ages...are you absolutely sure this isnt another me?"


" p... pumpkin..."

" I.. I'M SORRY?"

" h...he prefers to go by pumpkin..."

Papyrus and sans looked at the girl, not really sure how to feel. Claira looked away and blushed in embarrassment, she didn't mean to interrupt, but pumpkin had a preference for what he wanted to be called, and she wanted to make sure his name was respected so her instincts just kicked in and she blurted it out.

" I...I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt....i just...he prefers..."


" yeah...ill try my best to respect it too kid, um...any way, pap are you sure there wasnt another you?"


Sans rubbed the back of his neck a bit in though. Maybe there was an au where he was female by himself. Weird, or maybe he had a kid somewhere? He only assume because this kid had no resemblance to papyrus at all, her face was round and covered in green specks, probably to represent freckles. Cute. Either way he needed to sit her down in the living room with the others and have a talk, figure out where she came from and who she had relations too.

Clasping his hands together he grinned at the female. " so! you wanted an explanation?"

" Yes please! I..I wanna know where I came from!"

" what do you mean?..."

" I...I don't have a memories of where I came from...I don't even remember my own personality that well"

' shit, did the transfer knock out her memory? how does she not know? Could she have lost control of her powers and teleport in the basement by accident?' Not possible, no other skeleton exist besides him and his brother, in this au at least. None of this made sense to him. Perhaps the transfer knocked out her memory and gave her Amnesia. With a sigh sans motioned towards back to the living room. Claira looked back at paps for a moment before she followed the shorter brother.

Once she was seated back on the couch, she laid her hands in her lap and waited for sans to speak. The two starred at one another for a bit before sans pulled out his phone, he seemed to be texting different people, probably everyone that lived in the house. After he shoved his phone back on to his pocket and waited.

" so do you have hair? Magic?"

" I...I guess so? Although it feels weird."

" Whaddya mean?"

" I mean, this body doesn't feel like me? I'm not sure why but I don't think I was always a skeleton monster my whole life...pumpkin said I smelled like a human and his brother agreed."

Sans leaned forward a bit and took a bit of a sniff, leaning back with a slight grimace.

" you dont think youve...killed a human before coming you?"

" I'm not sure...maybe? I don't know, it would have been out of self defense because I'd never hurt any one just for the fun of it"

" s'ok kid, I understand if it was, I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation about all of it"

" Mm.." claira nods at the skeleton before looking down at her hands. Why did she feel weird in this body? Was she always like this or was she just insecure about it? While lost in her thought, more skeletons have found their way downstairs, sitting around the two of them on either the couch or nearby chairs. Error being himself just hung by the ceiling in his blue stringed hammock, ink sat on the floor by the coffee table, nightmare hung on the ceiling like error but with his tentacles. Butch sat in a nearby easy chair, smoking one of his cigars that blew out red smoke, he looked bored and kinda had the vibe of he didn't want to be here at the moment.

Mutt sat on the couch close to Claira, not enough to notice her but she sure as hell noticed him, one minute she was by herself and the next a tall lanky dude appeared next to her...he was kinda cute though.

' focus claira! Don't be a creep!'

When claira looked around and spotted more skeletons, she felt herself getting more nervous, some looked friendly and laid back, while others just looked like they were ready to kill anything at any moment.

One skeleton that looked almost exactly like sans had this crazy look in his eyes, claira didn't know how to describe it but his eyes kinda looked like red and green bull's-eyes...creepy, but not as creepy as the sans with black sludge dripping down his face, and that wide grin, kinda look like a Cheshire cat, but then again they're cute too.

' again claira, stop being a creep'

A edgy version of sans had sat on the other side of claira, again not really noticing her at first, not until he took a quick glance over at mutt who sat on the other side. Like sans he blinked a couple of times before his face went to this flirt like expression.

" who's the cute skeley vanilla?" He spoke with a slight new York accent.

' oh boy'

With a slight poker face sans replied to him in an annoyed tone: her name is Claira, and is the reason why I called you all down here."

" did'n k'now you had females here...been a while since "

" Any of us seen one, yes yes she knows this already butch." Sans interrupts with a shake of his hand, butch glares at him for a moment before puffing out an angry breath of smoke.

Nightmare leaned down from the ceiling in front of claira, starring in to her sockets for a moment, squinting at what from her point of view her chest. A look of shock came across his features, he jolts back in beside vanilla, sweat leaking down his skull.

" that girl isnt a complete monster..."

" whaddya mean nighty?" Mutt spoke.

" I mean she has a human soul"

" WHAT?!"

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