Chapter 8

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Clairas pov

Waking up the next morning was a little weird to say the least, some of the boys have rolled off of me, while others were still clinging on to me. Looking around a bit for a way to escape the clutches of these cute skeletons, I've noticed I may be able to slip up on to the couch and around blue with out waking them up. I took a deep breath in, placing my hands on to the couch I pulled my self up gently.

I stopped when papyrus shifted around a bit, his gripped tightening around me as he mumbles incoherent words in his sleep. Something about spaghetti? Was he dreaming about spaghetti?  I had to stiffle a laugh before setting my butt on the edge of the couch, grasping his hands as I gently pried him off, when his hands were removed I slid my self back a bit, hoping I didn't wake up sans since he was the one sleeping behind me, luckily I didn't and one at a time I lifted one leg over blue, freeing myself from the cuddle pile of bones.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I quickly but quietly made my way up the stairs towards the bathroom to get ready for the day, I'm not entirely sure what I am going to do about clothes at the moment since I have no job, but I'm sure there's something the boys and I can work out. Once i took a quick shower, I dressed myself back up in to the oversized sweater paps gave me to wear and made my way back downstairs. I peeked my head around the corner to see if any of the boys woke up. Nope. All still sound asleep in their of little pile, I couldn't help but giggle before sneaking in the kitchen to fix breakfast for everyone, it was the least I could do since they've all been so nice to me.

Opening up the fridge, I peered inside to see what all we had to make, most of the contents of the containers I found in said fridge were filled up with different types of food, all ranging from spaghetti, tacos, lasagna, burritos. All kinds of food. I shook my head a bit before reaching out for a big carton of eggs. ' hmm...I could make them some omelettes....or oh I know! Do we have flour?' I thought to myself as I set the carton down on the counter, looking around the cabinets for any sugar and flour. After a few moments of searching around, I was able to find the ingredients I needed for what I'm cooking for them.

It's a simple breakfast dish, pancakes and eggs, as original as it sounds it makes her tummy growl. ' it would be more perfect if we had bacon...' I spoke peering back in to the fridge, I was a little happy at what I found, although it's not bacon, sausage links were a really good meat side for this dish.  I mixed several eggs in to a bowl, pinching in different spices here and there before pouring them on to a giant pan I found while rummaging around the kitchen, i didn't quite know what kind of way they prefer their eggs cooked so I hope they enjoy scrambled. As the eggs warmed up enough to cook, I pushed them around, cooking them evenly on every side of uncooked egg. While waiting for them to cook a little more, I poured flour, sugar, an egg, milk, and just enough vanilla extract for the pancake mixture. I gave the eggs one last shake before getting started on the pancakes, after each batter was cooked a beautiful brown, it was flipped over for the rest to cooked. When the eggs were finished, I placed them aside with a lid on top to keep them warm, before I went on and cooked the several sausage links.

There was enough links for everyone to to have at least two, but then after they wanted more sausage they would have to go shopping for more. I giggled to myself as I finished everything up, I couldn't wait for them to try this out, it smells so delicious, and everything came out fantastic. I grabbed the perfect plate for each skeleton, having them stacked on one another waiting to have food plated on them, but before I could do that, I had to go wake everyone else up for breakfast.

Making sure everything was off and that the food had tops on them to keep heat inside so they stayed warm for breakfast, I wiped my hands off on a nearby towel before walking back in to the kitchen with my hands placed down in front of me. A small giggle slipped past my lips as I gazed at the scene in front of me, mutt replaced my spot between blue and pap, having them cling on to his waist, sans was still leaned on the couch, but I couldn't really see if he was awake or not. Stretch and red on the other hand, their heads spun to me when the floor creaked under my feet.

" morning sweetheart, was wondering where you slipped off too"

"G...good morning red... stretch. I was just about to come wake everyone up for breakfast."

" is that what that amazing smell is honey?"

I gave him a firm nod. " Mhm"

" Whatcha make?"  Sans asked poking his head up over the couch, oh guess he was awake. I tilted my head and gave him a gentle smile.

" Pancakes, with eggs and sausage links."

Red got up out of his seat, making his way to my side he wrapped an arm around my shoulder giving me a side hug. " dam sweetheart, you didnt have to cook all of that for us"  I shook my head and gently smiled, placing my hands back in from of me.  " I wanted to make something for you all since you've been so nice to me. I..I wanted to show you an appreciation for your kindness to me" I spoke softly to the three of them, the seemed to be pounder this for a moment or two before sheep smiles appeared on their faces. 

" youre so sweet Hun...we appreciate breakfast."

" yeah kiddo, thanks."

" It's no problem really, now I'm going on ahead and waking everyone else up, you three head to the kitchen ok? I won't be but a few minutes" I spoke walking over to the palette we all made last night.

' hopefully they all enjoy the meal I've made'

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