Disturbance begins in the Royal Capital

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(Warning: possibly bad German via Google Translate.)

"So, my pet, how have you and Aura been doing?" Astra asked when the Tiangou moved to give her master her meal.

Soleil blushed and the dishes on the tray rattled so she quickly put them down before she could drop them. "W-we are both well."

Astra smirked. "You haven't confessed to her yet, have you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She denied, but her darkened cheeks gave her away.

Astra let out a dramatic sigh. "Such a shame. You two would make a very cute couple."

Soleil's ears perked up but she stared at the ground. "Do you really think so?"

"Of course I do! I would never lie about something like this."

"Then..." Soleil hesitated. "Would it be selfish of me to admit that I would also like to be with Mare as well?"

"Soleil! You naughty dog~" Astra teased. "Personally, I don't see a problem with it. As long as everyone is okay with it, then there's no issue."

"But... they're siblings?"

"So? No one is saying that they have to date each other." Astra noticed that Soleil still looked unsure so she stood up and gave her a hug. The Tiangou squeaked and her tail wagged as she was given affection from her creator. "I think you should do what makes you happy. Because that's all matters. Your's and the twins happiness."

Soleil gave a small smile and nodded. A bit more determined than she was before. "Oh! Before I forget." She pulled back to look up at her master. "I heard that Kyouhukou had a problem but wouldn't admit to what it was. He said he didn't want to be a bother by complaining to you and Lord Ainz."

Astra frowned. Kyouhukou is an Area Guardian of the 2nd floor. What problem could he have that he'd be unwilling to share?

Thus, sparked her trip to the 2nd floor and to the Black Capsule. She used her Guild Rind to teleport straight into the pitch black room and used [Holy Star] on the lowest level to create a small ball of light and illuminate the room.

The room is filled with cockroaches of all different shapes and sizes, and they crawl on top of each other. The smallest cockroaches were only the size of the her fingertip while the biggest ones were over a meter long.

Luckily, they all seemed to recognize who she is because they all back up to from a circle around her.

"Lady Astraeus?"

Astra turned to see Kyouhukou himself walking towards her. He is a 30-centimeter tall cockroach standing on two legs with his head facing forward. He wears a bright red cape decorated with luxurious golden threads around the edge and a cute little golden crown on top of his head.

"Forgive me, my Lady. I did not know that you would be visiting." The giant roach fretted.

Astra just smiled. "It's alright, Kyouhukou. I'm the one who showed up unannounced, after all. I came here because I heard that you were having trouble and was worried."

His nerves are on fire.

Of all the visitors to his humble home the least he would expect would be the Divine Mistress. It's not often that he gets to see the Tomb's Goddess or It's Lord.

Not that he blames them of course! He's perfectly aware how… unsavory his visage is…

"Kyouhukou?" Astra softly called out when he didn't respond.

He suddenly bowed. "There's no need to worry about me, my Lady. I should not worry you with a such a meager problem."

She frowned. "You keeping it to yourself will worry me anyway."

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