The Ultimate Trumpcard

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Astra hummed to herself as she hovered in front of the large Overeating. The low-level demon stay still as she worked, burning a star mark into it's forehead.

"There you go! Run along now, sweety. There's plenty to eat out there." She chirped and floated down as it turned to walk away.

"May I ask what you are doing?" Demiurge questioned, walking up to her.

"Well, the demons you summoned wanted to have my mark." She explained. "So I thought that burning a star onto them would work fine. I make sure it's painless, of course."

Demiurge's tail swayed. "You're branding them? What a marvelous idea. This way, the humans will see such a large collection of demons and know that you are not to be taken likely. You are a true diety who deserves their worship."

Astra just giggled. "That just means I'll have to keep my guard up and act like I'm some unkillable diety." She turned and watched the Overeating disappear behind some buildings. "If you can make God bleed, then people will cease to believe in him."

His tail moved to curl around her waist. "Do not worry yourself with that, my beloved. You have all of Nazarick standing with you. You will not have to face this world alone."

"Thank you." She breathed and leaned against his chest. "I love everyone in Nazarick, but you and Cocytus mean everything to mean. Just having you both with me gives me the strength I need."

"We are happy to serve." He purred. "And, might I say, that we would also love to carry your mark."

"I'm not gonna brand you, my demon." Astra said in a stern tone. "You are both far more than just loyal subjects." Then, she smirked. "You're both going to be my consorts, aren't you?"

Demiurge suddenly felt very hot and he immediately dropped to on knee to bow to her. "I- I would be honored, my Lady. To be gifted with such a title."

Astra grinned. 'Ah, he's flustered. How cute~'


Soldiers entered the fiery walls to try and fight off the monsters inside. They shook in fear at the Overeating, Gazer Devils and Hellhounds that littered the streets. Some with a bright glowing star print on their bodies.

One of the men went into a panic and tried to run but was caught by the Overeating and promptly swallowed whole.

Just then, Nabe and Evileye dropped Momon in and he made quick work of the monsters. Slicing them apart. "Fear not. Jaldabaoth will fall just as easily." He told the soldiers. "I am Momon the adventurer and Jaldabaoth will fall just as easily. But, while I deal with him, I need you to keep the citizens beyond the wall safe. I'm counting on you."

With the soldiers and adventurers focusing on the monsters and civilians, Momon, Nabe, and Evileye made their way further in until they reached Jaldabaoth.

Evileye gasped when five ladies walked out in made outfits and all wearing the same mask as the demon. "We severely underestimated the forces of Jaldabaoth. Luckily, I don't see the Godess anywhere."

"You two handle the newcomers." Momon told them and ran forward. "Let's get to it Demi-" He staggered and quickly corrected himself. "Demon!"

Demiurge caught Momon's blade and the two of them smashed through a building. Disappearing in the dust and debris.

"I'll take three and you'll handle the other two." Nabe told Evileye. "That should be enough to subdue them."

"I don't mind taking three." Evileye argued.

Nave just stared her down. "You'll take two. There's no point arguing with me."

The other huffed. "My, what a stubborn one."

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