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"You said you didn't fucking alarm them!" Seokjin cursed for the very first time ever, sharing glances between the three boys who had complicated expressions on their faces.

"We genuinely didn't know! I don't think they followed us, I think they're spreading! Moving more out of the center of the city to look for more victims!" Namjoon defended.

All of the boys were currently being as silent as possible, looking out of the window.

An entire herd of walkers had made their way uphill, now roaming through the front yard, walking up the porch and standing in front of the door.

"They can't get inside, we don't have to worry about that. They don't even know we're here, not unless we make a lot of noise. We're still safe, for now." Taehyung said, biting on his lip.

"Yeah sure, we might we safe for now, but what do we do after four days, huh? Then we run out of food! We'd have to go out, but how the hell are we going to do that? There's no way we can beat what looks like an entire army of those terrifying fuckers!" Yoongi whisper-shouted from a little further back, trying to not put all of his weight on his sprained ankle.

The boys went silent for a moment.

"Let's just hope they're gone when that happens. If we skip breakfast, we would have food for a bit longer than four days. For now we're stuck here. Try to be quiet so they don't expect anything. If we do that, we can go to sleep without having to worry much." Seokjin remarked.

It was in the middle of the night, the creatures now being more active than ever.

Wierd sounds came from outside, the sound of slow footsteps made it clear they were dragging themselves across the porch, one of them banging its fist against the door softly.

As if they weren't creepy enough already.

"They'll go away eventually.." Jimin whispered.

Is he scared? Of course he is scared, why wouldn't he be? Comfort him, JK.

The man walked over, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay. Even if they don't leave by themselves, we'll fight them off. One way or another."

"But we cannot use guns, Jeongguk. It would be way too loud. Sure, we might kill all of them, but we would lure even more of them right towards us. Even from afar, they would be aware of our location." Hoseok reminded the boy who nodded in acknowledgement.

"I know. We'll find a way. We'll be okay." He tried to reassure everyone.

Since it was late, they decided to head to bed. Doing a double check around the house to see if everything was secured, they rest assured.

"Hey, JK..?" Taehyung's voice made Jeongguk shift around in bed, squinting his eyes through the darkness. They were whispering, trying to not wake Jimin up who already fell in a deep sleep.

"Yeah?" The male answered tiredly.

"You're hot."

"Seriously?" He chuckled breathlessly, closing his eyes.

"Yeah. Seriously."

Jeongguk smiled, drifting away to sleep not thinking much of Taehyung's natural flirty personality.

"Get up."

Namjoon's voice made him jolt awake, he noticed how serious he was.

"We have a problem. Come up to the roof."

Hastily nodding, Jeongguk slipped out of bed, leaving the sleeping Jimin and Taehyung behind.

"I'm always happy to help, but why did you wake me up, and not the others aswell?" He questioned.

"You seem very aware of what you're doing. You're brave. I wanted to discuss something with you first. You'll see what I'm talking about once we're up there."

"What the fuck!" Jeongguk ducked down immediately, heart palpitating in his chest once he stepped foot on the roof.

He crawled a little further, looking down.

"They quadrupled! Why the fuck have they-"

"-that's what I wanted to talk to you about. What do you think is best to do?" Namjoon whispered, right next to the younger male.

Everywhere were walkers.

"I'd suggest that we'd wait a few more days, eating whatever food is left, and see if they're going to leave. If they don't, I don't think we have another option, we would have to shoot them. Of course that's going to put us at risk, but what other choice do we have? We'd have to take a few extra bags to stuff completely full with food once we reach the store. Afterwards we would have to find a new safe place for shelter." The youngest said after a while.

"I see. I agree with you, I'll propose the idea to the others to see what they think."

One of the walkers hissed loudly, its neck cracking once he looked up, staring right at the place the men hid.

"Do you think it saw us?" Jeongguk whispered, after yeeting himself backwards together with Namjoon.

"I don't know, let's crouch down as best as we can, let's go back inside."

They moved into action, their clothes now dirty because of their crawling.

"I have to stand up to open the door. Do you think it's safe?"

Namjoon looked back, raising his head from the floor just a little bit.

He grabbed a twig, throwing it as far as he could in the woods for distraction.

"Now! Go!" He urged Jeongguk, both of them rushing back inside.

"That was a close call. Let's wake up the others, they have to know about this."

Namjoon nodded, agreeing, heading towards Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok.
Jeongguk jogged over to his own room, poking Taehyung in his side.

"Tae? Wake up.. Hey, wake up." The male stirred, eyes slowly fluttering open. "What's going on? Are you alright?" Taehyung asked in a croaky morning voice, the deep octaves reverberating through the room.

Putting a finger against his lips, Jeongguk shook his head, nudging towards the door.

"Jimin-ssi? Wake up.." Jeongguk put his hand on his arm, shaking gently.

Five minutes later, they all found themselves in the living room, discussing the situation outside.

Namjoon informed the others about Jeongguk's and his idea, knowing very well that once they put that into action, there would be no going back.

"But then we'd have to leave this place behind.. We've been hiding in this house for as long as I can remember, where do we go then?" Jimin asked in a small voice, crossing his arms as if he was hugging himself.

Jeongguk reached in his pocket, fishing out the map he still had.

He spread it on the table, his pointy finger on a specific blue circle.

"There. We have to go there."

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