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Eventually Namjoon pulled the van to stop in an open parking lot, in the middle of nowhere.

There were no buildings in sight and the road seemed endless.

He made sure to look if it was safe before turning off the engine, stepping outside and entering the van from the side along with Hoseok.

He shut the door behind them again, locking it.

Better to be extra cautious.

"What do we do now?" Namjoon sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We have to try the next nearest bunker." Jeongguk stated, his voice died down.

"It's almost dark outside. I'd suggest to sleep in here for the night, it's the safest option we've got. For as far as I've seen, there are no walkers around. Let's sleep on it and continue to talk about this in the morning, alright?" Seokjin chimed in, looking at the reactions he received.

Namjoon nodded.

"Alright. But I'll 'sleep' in the driver's seat, if something happens, we'll be able to get away quickly."

"I call shotgun." Yoongi commented, earning a nod from Namjoon.

"Still no reaction?" Jeongguk asked, looking at Taehyung's figure.

"No," Seokjin sighed sadly. "but like I said, give him some time. He went through a lot."

Namjoon and Yoongi grabbed something to eat, leaving their bags behind with the others apart from two emergency guns and two weapons they could use if needed.

They exited the van only to enter the front, leaving the other five boys to talk.

Seokjin got engrossed in a conversation with Hoseok, probably about the things he did to save them.

Jeongguk averted his eyes to Jimin's smaller figure, who sat in the corner staring blankly ahead.

He scooted next to the boy, his eyes never leaving him.

"Hey." He whispered, his heart starting to thump a little louder.

Jimin nibbled on his plump bottom lip, fiddling with his own fingers.

"Hey." He whispered back, slowly looking back up at Jeongguk.

Jimin gulped once he did. The dark brown orbs of the younger consumed him, he felt like he got lost in them in the best way possible. A blush appeared on his face.

"How are you feeling?" Jeongguk asked caringly, ignoring the way his thoughts screamed at him to hold the boy in his arms.

God, I like him so much.
He is just so ethereal.

"I could be better, if I'm being honest. The sight of my best friend whom I've known for ages laying there like that isn't something I like to see. But apart from that, I'm doing somewhat alright."

Jeongguk hummed quietly, unclipping his bag from his back and putting it against the wall, so he could use it as a pillow to lay his head on.

He took a few sips of his water and handed Jimin the bottle too. Once he got it back, he put it back and grabbed something to eat out of it instead.

That gas station really saved them for a few more days.

"We should talk about what happened the other day in the- um- shower.." The blonde mumbled, not liking this wierd atmosphere between the two of them.

Jeongguk's lips curved up in a small smirk, remembering.

He hummed.

"What is there to talk about? We can just forget it if that makes you feel more comfortable." He said, glancing up at Jimin from his position.

Of course he noticed the blush getting darker on his cheeks.

"What if I don't want to forget it?" The smaller male mumbled to himself, his heart jumping in his chest. He did not expect Jeongguk to hear it at all. He wasn't even supposed to. But, fuck, he did.

"Tell me, Jimin-sii, are you attracted to me?" Jeongguk taunted playfully, smiling up at the blonde.

Jimin's eyes grew in size, he muttered inaudible words. He tried to look anywhere apart from the boy who now laid his head on his lap.

"I am attracted to you. You've probably noticed already. If you haven't, now you know. I kind of really like you, you know." Jeongguk admitted, his smile fading. The only thing that was left were nerves.

Jimin's breath hitched.

Did Jeongguk really feel the same way?

How was that even possible?

The blonde genuinely thought that Jeongguk had taken a liking towards his best friend, especially after the things he had seen them do.

The dare, and everything else. The way they interacted.

And honestly, it made Jimin feel insecure.

But there wasn't anything he could do about it. It had always been like that. He was used to it. People always hitting on Taehyung instead of him.

But now it seemed like the roles were reversed and Jimin didn't know how to feel about that. He was glad, happy, even. But he still had his doubts.

"You? Liking me? What is there to like.." He sighed, closing his eyes.

Jeongguk frowned at that.

He sat up, brushing one hand through Jimin's locks.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he had the chance to do so, Jimin had beaten him to it.

"It's getting late. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." He turned his head and body away from the dark haired male, making himself as comfortable as he could.

Jeongguk sighed, looking back at Hoseok and Seokjin.

Seokjin had drifted off to sleep already and Hoseok was staring up at the roof of the van, looking incredibly tired. It wouldn't take too long before he would doze off aswell.

The youngest had a small smile on his face, finding comfort in the fact that they were safe, for now. They had food and water for a couple more days.

They had a roof above their head keeping them dry from the rain that had started to pour down, something that made Jeongguk sigh in content.

The sound of rain always made it easier for him to fall asleep, it was peaceful.

He made himself more comfortable, crossing his arms above his head and resting on top of them.

He was about to close his own eyes too, when he noticed something else.

Taehyung's fingers twitched.

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