The Day After

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your sitting in your hospital bed waiting for your mom to take you home, your sitting there thinking so many things

*your mind*
what if it worked? i would of left everyone, my pain would have stopped but i would just be passing it on to everyone else... i don't want to leave my mom, or my dad, or derek or mer... what the hell have i done

you sit there with tears running down your face, mark walks in and sits next to you

mark- hey, what's wrong?

you- what if it did work? what if i really did go, i would of left you all and that's the last thing i want to do.

mark hugs you
mark- oh sweetie, we can help you! your not alone in this battle.... we all love you so much

you hug him back
you- i love you all too

addie, mer and derek come to the door and see that your in tears in marks arms
mark shakes his head to tell them that your not good, addison turns to mer and cries silently

you release yourself from the hug and see them at the door, you go up the them and hug them all whilst mark sits on the bed

you- come on dad, family hug...

marks comes up and joins the hugs

you- can we all stay together? i want my family back

addie- of course, we will do anything

mark looks at addie shocked as she said yes, addie looks at mark and nods

meredith- okay, let's get you to the car

you- okay, just a minute

you go to your dad and hugs him...
you whisper
you- do you still love mom?

he whispers back
mark- what i did was a mistake and it will follow me for the rest of my life, i love you and your mom with all of my heart

you whisper back
you- then make it work, show her, prove to her that you can be better, that you still love us...

you pull away from the hug and smile at him, you go to your mom and hug her

you whisper to her
you- just hear him out, please

addie whispers back
addie- i will, i promise.

you, mer and derek go to the car... mark and addie talk

mark- what i did was so wrong, and it's going to follow me for as long as i live but i love you, i love you and y/n so so much! i want us to work, what i did to you and what y/n seen, i will forever feel bad and horrible for that! i love you addison, and i love y/n... i love the family that we had and i want it back

addison looks at him
addison- one chance!! that's all your getting, we've got to do right by y/n, we need to make this work... we can't lose our little girl, she's all we got!

mark hugs addie
mark- we will help her, she's strong like you! she can do this, we all need to stick together!

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