Are You There?

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Do you remember our world?
a world too good to be true
Made of promises and memories 
of me and you.
I still go there... without you

Even if I visit our world alone,
time still goes
Even if I dance without you,
the rain still pours
Even if I cry without you,
the wind still blows
Even if I wait for you,
people still move.

You said I'll make it
but I can't pretend anymore
I just can't fake it.
I miss you everyday, every second,-
and with the blink of my eye, its always you before I.

I miss those times we spent-
your laughs and smiles,
I miss those moments.
If I knew this day would come
then I would have made more of them.
I would never fight with you or run
I would have kept them safe

I need your touch, your love
That warmth, that warm hug

Those countless promises and memories-
they are starting to become hazy and blurry.
But even after the storms go away,
even then; at this place I will stay
Each memory of us was like a movie,
longer then ever, but we were together.
You may have left ,
but I will still remember you forever.

A/N:this is remembering our loved ones, wishing to get just one more moment with them, just one more hug, one final goodbye.

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