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AN: And another chapter has appeared. Must say things are getting forward. This chapter has been one I have been looking forward to writing for a while now. The reason Don Thousand doesn't speak with bold front any longer is that he is having a human appearance in this chapter. If it does confuse you. Hope you will like this chapter. Would like some feedback so please comment on what you think.

"This seems suitable" Shark mused.

His eyes narrowed as he was staring down at his latest work. That ironically being Don Thousand standing in front of him in what surprisingly was a human form Shark never knew existed. Dressed in clothes that Shark and Don Thousand considered all right. They both had a preference for what clothes were usable after all. Shark uses clothes from this year, while Don Thousand's clothes existed for a year Shark was sure he wasn't even born yet. They were so outdated that if he showed up at Yuma's foster family's doorstep, Don Thousand would either not be taken seriously, or give Yuma's grandma a heart attack. It was for that reason they both had to compromise. The pile of clothes he and Rio had gone to get from the humans' shops, not to mention Shark had to dress their so-called god in, had been one challenging assignment for sure. Shark still couldn't believe he had sunken this low. To be Don Thousand's manservant of all people. Right now, the chaos god was dressed in a long puffed-up tunica shirt in red colors with black jeans to match. A black belt was wrapped around his midsection, along with black boots. His golden hair was tied up in a braided ponytail and his red bangs were hanging loosely down each side of his face. Just like they always had. His look was completed with two earrings in a triangle shape hanging down his earlobe, and a giant necklace with his crest, hitting his muscular chest. Just to show off surely, since Shark didn't see a reason for him even wearing it now. Besides, making it clear for Shark alias Nash who of them was in charge here. Not that it wasn't humiliating enough thou.

"I can never fandom why the human species had to dress so foolishly," Don Thousand remarked with a huff as he was staring at his image in the crystal. "Why does it matter how I dress. I am a god. They...".

"For the last time, you have to mingle with them. To fit in" Shark sneered back "People will notice if a 'supposed god' were walking among them. You will risk exposition. Do you want Eliphas to know you are on earth?".

"Ha! What does it matter if that fool knows? He would not dare to fight me in this weakened state" Don Thousand huffed, making Shark sigh deeply. This was not the last time he would be listening to the deity's bickering. That was for sure.

"Do you want to risk it?" Shark challenged instead "Yuma has been looking forward to this visit for quite some time, and he would not like it, if fighting was brought out at his foster home. Not to mention no one of us knows if his sister and grandma know of Yuma's true heritage. A god in their home would scare...".

"You talk too much!" Don Thousand interrupted with a huff before turning towards Shark glaring at him with his cold eyes. He was not as intimidating as a human as he was a god, thou. Not that Shark would have stopped glaring at him regardless.

"What surprises me is that you volunteered to do this" the deity then said which caught Shark off guard completely. The god continued "You have free will Nash, and I know of your dislike towards me. You could have easily shifted your workload on someone else. The question is why you did not do so?".

"Well, it was not because of your winning personality. That is for sure" Shark snorts out in a complaining huff.

It had been a big surprise to him when he found out Don Thousand did care for Yuma's wellbeing. It had been a shock to everyone. Well, everyone besides Vector that is, but then again, he was resonating with Yuma and had been Don Thousand's host once. He must have known something. Shark could still not fandom this, let alone see Don Thousand as a caring father figure. It was so unreal. He had not thought that would have been the reason why he had to return to the Barian world. That said Dumon had warned him he would be surprised. His friend was not kidding. Being handed one of the goo-like creatures Yuma had fought once and being ordered to go to his quarters in his human form to give him it as a present still baffled Shark beyond belief. Yuma had cried that night too...

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