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A,N: And I am back. With the last chapter. Wow still can't believe this is happening. There is only the epilogue who will have an amazing ending. Or so I hope. But don't take my words for it. Please by all means. Have fun reading. Oh, and please comment on what you think. I admit battle scenes aren't my strong suit, but at least I am trying. So, hope you all still like it.

Don thousand chuckled. Things were really hitting fruition. Soon he would be in possession of the numeron code and could reshape everything into his vision. It didn't matter that Eliphas was here to stop him. Truth to be told he counted on it. It would be their final duel. His final revenge. He was going to relish this!

"Do you honestly believe you have a chance against me, in your current condition Eliphas?", the chaos deity mocked.

Like it was on cue, the god of order let out a groan as he fell down on one knee. He was panting. He was not looking well at all.

"The balance of power has shifted. I am amazed you managed to get here", the deity lectured and chuckled evilly again. "What did you believe you could accomplish? Stall me? Let me hold a long monologue over how much better I am than you?".

"No, I... I am here for the boy. Your son, Yuma", Eliphas growled and tried to gather his strength. Soon he was on both feet, but still gasping a bit for air. He continued: "I met him. I...".

"So, you did", Don thousand dismissed with a huff. "Used him for your own deed to fight me. Big mistake! Now, he is back where he belongs...".

"I did not do this. Astral's mission were indeed to eradicate the barian world, but... the boy influenced that family. It is Kazuma's fault, Astral were send to Yuma", Eliphas defended. "They created a bond of unimaginable strength. A bond even I could not break. Just like...".

"They are nothing like you! Nothing like us! You dare say that!".

"Is that why you refuse to tell your son the truth?", Eliphas challenged. "That Astral is alive. Or will be soon".

"Do not lecture me on how to raise my son! You should talk. You raised yours to slaughter my people!", The chaos god sneered. "I will never forgive you for what you did to E-rah! Never!".

"I know. Your hate to me will never be extinguished, but at least reconsider for the boy's sake. He will never be the same", Eliphas tried reason with. "I saw how he was looking at you that night. The fondness he was holding...".

A blast got fired and forced the god of order to dodge or he would be severely injured. It left quite the message for Eliphas to digest. They were done talking.

Nash's p.o.v.

Tiragon let out a happy squeal. The goo like creature were sitting on his shoulder as a bird. His tiny outburst must mean that they were close. Not that Nash really listened. He was too occupied with his thoughts. They were currently inside the interdimensional portal that made them travel between the three worlds. Or in Nash's case the Barian world and earth. The Astral world were still destroyed, but even if it wasn't, Eliphas would never allow his kind to travel there. Not in those war-like times. Nash had always been told the Astrals were their enemies. That they had been to blame for their misfortune as outcasts. That had never been a lie. He now knew. No, the true lie had been the belief of him and his fellow former barian emperors were chosen to rule the barian world. That they had accented from lesser barians to this stature of emperors, when in reality they were humans Don thousand had corrupted from the human world. All to serve him and later become food in restoring the chaos god's powers. Nash was not sure what hurt the most. That he thought he had been a just ruler to his people or when he thought he was doing the right thing. He had sold his soul to Don thousand willingly in order to get revenge on Vector. After everything that had happened in that ancient shadow duel, it was all Nash had left. He had pursued Vector back to his own kingdom, and at that time defeated him in a duel without realizing Don thousand had been pulling the strings the entire time. How he had discarded Vector as the puppet he was in favor for Nash. Because a willingly soul was easier to control, than him pulling all the strings all the time. That was the reason Nash became the leader of the emperors back then and now it sickens him. Vector had been right. He was indeed the favorite out of all the former emperors. He still was to some degree. He was granted the freedom of choice. He always had. Always were. But no matter what, he always ended up with the wrong choice. He chose to give himself up twice to the chaos god. He chose his fellow barians over Yuma and his friendship. He chose to betray Yuma! Sure, he was trying to make amends for it now, by helping Yuma and the others defeating Don thousand, but some thoughts still lingered. Nash were given a choice. Over the months spend in barian world as an enforcer, he could have easily contacted the resistance. He could have bypassed Don thousand's scrying crystals. He could have helped. But he chose not to. Because of Yuma, and now...

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