Hello people
I hope you liked this story. It is a short story and if you did not laugh then congrats you have no sense of humor.
Here I put the story through google translate 100 times and this is what came out.When the man asked what happened, he killed the black man and destroyed everything. Raise your hand to everyone. He was a good man at heart and rarely hurt anyone. Money makes it easy. There are many reasons why goats eat bananas. Residues must be removed slowly and quickly. The people of the world are proud of its existence. This type of baptism is called. He lives in Granópolis, where hundreds of people live. His family plays in the forest. You live in a supermarket. Last year, all members paid state taxes. The city is 5-20 (5-20). Access was prohibited to weapons and armor. Remove dust and metal from NASA equipment. It's for bananas. Add the flour and oil. Young families worked 20-21 years after the war and NASA facilities were full of milk. Drinking water and dried flowers are the best oils in the world. NASA plans to ship Jaguars around the world. So human growth is slowing down. As the price of NASA oil rises, so does the price of NASA cars and rockets. Learning to swim in a magic boat is one of the best ways to shoot through the air. Birth control pills increase the risk of pregnancy by 0.5% per year. That means your happiness is over 200 and your life is 100% dead. 20xl of water does not work.
He seems to belong to the government (21). Protecting people from sudden changes. High reliability of 15GHz C259-VCKS-mm amplifier due to long lifespan. Then the man got up and died.
-FIN-That is the google translate version hope you liked it. Bye and have a good day.
SਸLਲੱUਗG SਕTਹਾOਣੀRਸY
Short StoryThis is a short funny story I wrote. Enjoy In a world run by slugs a crazy combo of Star Wars, nasa and just random stuff this book better make you laugh. Also at the end you can read the story after it was put through google translate 100 times.