the dragon's keep | atsumu m.

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THE DRAGON'S KEEP atsumu miya

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THE DRAGON'S KEEP atsumu miya

🏷️ ;; dragon hinata, fantasy, love at first sight

THE Miya twins seek out for the princess on the top of the highest tower in this huge castle. Trapped inside, awaits a princess, whom counts the years past by to finally be rescued.

Although many have not succeeded, these twins were more determined than the other knights before them. Not just for fame, but for love, and finding love in their town is rather difficult.

None of the women they have ever met had interest them in the slightest. Unamused, Atsumu has long dead to believe in true love. And Osamu would rather rule a kingdom by himself, and not alongside a wife.

A couple of bruises and scars were marked on Atsumu and Osamu's bodies, they were panting pretty heavily from the dangers that are hidden within the castle. It was like a huge maze.

It felt like a couple hours before they were anywhere near the highest tower. There was no sign of light at all through the tower's window, it may have been due to the dark-grey clouds blocking the sun's brightness.

Each step of their shoes tapping the floor, alerted something not far away from the direction the twins were headed.

As the foot-steps were slowly getting closer in the distance, a non-pleasant creature was going to delay the princess's rescue. Time was shortening more and more, their strength was leading them into a weak state.

The creature growled and was easily heard, purposely putting a stop on the twins tracks. The scent was mildly bitter but somehow pleasant. The creature creeped around in the dim darkness, completely shielding itself with anger.

It appeared to become more aggressive the further the twins patiently walked, hopefully they could defeat this obstacle, or else they'll end up as it's meal.

The floors were beginning to rumble in a certain rhythm, their ability to stand properly was decreasing. The even larger foot-steps from the creature were affecting their ears, badly.

The same creature had soon to reveal itself from the dark. First, the very vibrant orange hair, it seemed fluffy, quoted by Atsumu. Second, it's face, the eyes were hypnotizing but pretty. And lastly, it's fully fleshed body.

Though, for a dragon that's a giant, it's body is quite small. The slim waist and significant figure, their best guess was that the dragon was a female.

Even when mesmerized by fear, Osamu was able to act faster than Atsumu, he began to show absolutely no mercy for the dragon and fastened his pace to slay it. Atsumu still frozen in place.

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