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"Arnasa, Arabella." The midwife inhaled deeply. "Breathe."

The elf released a piercing scream, clutching tightly to the midwife's pale hand, her cries echoing against the backdrop of other screams outside. Sweat coated her dark skin, her curly, dark red hair matted against her head.

"Are they not here yet?" she asked weakly.

"I'm afraid not. But, we cannot wait any longer. This baby is coming, whether you want it to or not."

A tear ran down Arabella's face. "Please, Lena, I cannot...," she groaned, shifting in the bed. "I will not bear this child without him here. I need...I need Eldar." She let out another agonizing cry, squeezing Lena's hand. It felt like her insides were being torn apart. She turned her head, looking out of the window of her one floor wooden house. All she saw was darkness and flames. " is it out there?"

Grabbing a wet towel, Lena patted the mother's forehead. "It's pure chaos. The elves are doing their best to fight them off, but...he is destroying everything and everyone." Lena let out a soft sigh. "Arabella, your child may not make it."

Arabella shook her head. "My child will. Trust me." She paused. "How far are they?"

Lena grew silent, listening. "Gage said about 10 miles, but-" she was interrupted by another loud cry, Arabella's back arching off the white bed. "This baby is coming. We cannot delay. I'm sorry." She raised from the bed, standing at the foot of it. "Now, bultza."

Arabella screamed loudly as she began pushing.

"Bai!" exclaimed Lena. "Yes! Keep pushing!"

But, she could not hear Lena's words of encouragement, all she could feel was pain. So much agonizing pain...and it wouldn't stop.

Arabella didn't know how long she was pushing. It seemed never ending. She needed Eldar. Needed his strength.

"You are doing so good, Arabella," praised Lena. "So good. Now, I just need one more push. Give me one more."

Arabella let out one final, gut-wrenching cry that echoed off the walls, shaking the very foundation of the house. She felt as though her body was engulfed in flames, her legs trembling uncontrollably.

Then it all stopped. Everything was silent.

But, the silence was soon broken by a soft cry.

"Arabella," said Lena softly. "It's a girl."

Arabella tiredly propped herself up on pillows as she opened her arms. Lena carried the child over to her, wrapping her in a white blanket, then paused. A tear rolled down her cheek. She looked into the eyes of Arabella. "I'll give you as much time as I can." She lay the child in Arabella's arms. "It has been an honor." She quickly turned, leaving the bedroom and the house.

Arabella rocked the baby in her arms, quietly humming a tune.

The screams from outside grew louder and louder. They were getting closer. She looked down at her daughter and smiled. Her skin was ebony and she had ginger hair. Her golden eyes opened and closed. "My beautiful baby girl. You don't know it yet, but you are so special. Your eyes hold so much power. And your hands,"she kissed the tiny fingers, "hold so much strength. My beautiful, Faeda. Be strong." She placed a soft kiss on her baby's pointed ear. "Maite zaitut. That means 'I love you'."

She slowly stood from the bed and walked into the main room. Lowering to her knees, she moved a knitted rug and picked up one of the wide floorboards. There lay a small empty space. Looking down at her child, she gave a small smile. She opened her mouth to say something only to be interrupted by a loud banging on the door. Raising her hand, a white mist flowed from her fingers, covering the door as the banging grew louder.

Last of Her Kind (Book 1, Part 1, of the LAST series)Where stories live. Discover now