whispers of the forest

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I moved, the crinkling and crunching of leaves filling my ears. My eyes slowly opened to see the full moon shining down on me.

What happened?

I sat up, feeling the ache in my back from lying on the ground. Hugging my arms around me, I surveyed the surroundings. Everywhere I looked, there were trees, and more trees...and even more trees. Standing up, I brushed the dirt and leaves off my pant bottoms.

Where was Nikos? And Ayan?

"Nikos," I called out.


"Nikos!" I repeated louder.

More silence. I prayed he was okay. Both he and Ayan. Turning around, I noticed a tall figure walking away from me.

"Hey!" I called after him. "Wait!"

Was I being stupid for following? Most definitely, but maybe he could help? At least, I hoped he could.

He was moving fast. I was struggling to keep up with him. "Can you slow down?!"

He didn't. I quickened my pace, making the distance between us smaller. As I got closer, I saw that he was covered in silver armor from head to toe.

"Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you have seen a soldier and a horse ride around here? Well, a different soldier. He has a red cape."

He didn't respond. Just kept looking forward.

"Do you know how to get out of here? I'm searching for Valahar."

"Fae? Is that you?"

I immediately stopped and searched for where the voice was coming from. Stupid darkness. I squinted.

"Fae," the voice called out again.

A figure appeared from around a tree, slowly making its way towards me. I backed up, feeling cold armor against my back. The soldier immediately unsheathed his sword, holding it up towards the figure.

"It's me. I am so glad to have found you." His voice sounded relieved...and familiar.

I hesitantly took a step forward, squinting my eyes. And that's when I saw it. The familiar red hair. The markings.

"Ren!" I ran towards him, relief flooding me.

I jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. "You're here. I am so happy to see you. Where are the others?" I asked pulling away from him. My smile slowly dropped from my face. "Ren, are you alright?"

His eyes were white. All white. He definitely was not alright. I took a hesitant step back, away from him as his head tilted to the side. "I'm great. I have found you. Are you alright?"

I took another step back.

"Fae? Are you alright?" he asked again. I didn't even notice he was making his way towards me.

The concern on his face slowly morphed into a sinister one. Suddenly, his hand was around my throat, squeezing it tight and lifting me up. My eyes grew wide.

"Ren!" I croaked out. "What are you doing?" My heart was pounding.

He smirked, but suddenly, a force kicked him back, causing me to drop to the ground. Gasping for air, I looked up to see the soldier standing over me. Lifting his armored hand, he gestured toward the woods. It seemed like he wanted me to run.

And I was good at running.

I nodded, scrambling to my feet and running. I couldn't believe it. Ren attacked me. But, that wasn't Ren. It couldn't have been. He would never hurt me...would he? Maybe the celestials got to him. But the white eyes? Was he being controlled?

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