love of the soulbound

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I found myself standing in my room, Jayce stepping out the portal next to me. My room seemed so boring compared to where I just left.

"I'll go start dinner," said Jayce, leaving me.

I sat on my bed, everything so much more quiet. Looking down at my hands, I watched gold dance around my finger tips.

"Do they know you have abilities?" shouted Jayce from the other room.

"No," I answered, rising from my bed. "Kept that part to myself." I leaned on the doorway, watching Jayce move around the kitchen. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugged. "No reason, just wondering."

"Would it be bad if they were to find out?" He didn't say anything. He continued moving around the kitchen. He was hiding something.
"Jayce, what aren't you telling me? Why were you in such a hurry to leave?"

"I was not in a hurry."

"Yes, you were. I know you, Jayce. Why wouldn't I be safe there?"

He sighed, turned and faced me.

"Tell me."

He ran a hand down his face. "You would not be safe there because of your parents."

"What do my parents have to do with this?"

"Your mother was indeed an elf. But, your father was not."

"What, was he mortal?"

"Not exactly. He...," he let out a nervous breath. "He was a seraph."

Right there was when my world fell apart."What?" I asked quietly.

He began talking, probably trying to explain everything but, I couldn't hear it. All I heard was ringing. His mouth just moved, his hands reaching out to me.

The edges of my vision blurred. I was a cursed child...a bastard. It all made so much more sense. Why he was so much more protective of me using my abilities. Why my eyes and power were gold.

I fell to my knees, landing on grass. I didn't even realize I walked outside. I placed my hands on the ground, watching the gold appear. I let out a cry, letting all the hurt from Sorin and from my curse flow out of me.

Jayce's face appeared in front of me, and I saw his lips moving again, nothing coming from them. I stayed looking at him, feeling one of his hands cover my own.

"Breathe, my dear, Fae," I finally heard him say.

I inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

"There you go," he said, wiping my tears. "Let's head inside."

I numbly nodded as he helped me to my feet. I looked around, noticing that the grass was now at my waist height.

"It's okay," he whispered, helping me inside. "It's okay."


I watched as raindrops tapped against my window, the weather mirroring my mood. It had been 5 days since Jayce told me the truth, and I hadn't moved from my spot.

I didn't fault him for waiting until now to tell me, but that didn't make me any less sad, hurt, or scared. Plus, this just solidified the fact that Sorin and I couldn't be together. It was too dangerous.

My bedroom door opened, but I didn't move from the bed, just kept my sights on the window across the room. I heard Jayce place something down, then walk over to me.

He placed a kiss on my head. "I have to head into town. I'll be back." He then left, shutting the door behind him.

I looked by the door to see a plate of food on a wooden stool. Every few hours, he would switch out the plate, then leave. I appreciated the fact that he was giving me space. It was much needed. But, what would happen now? Would I just stay hidden for the rest of my life? That's not living. Do I run away and just try and start a new life? Turning in my bed, I faced the ceiling.

Last of Her Kind (Book 1, Part 1, of the LAST series)Where stories live. Discover now